Page 7 of Country Mist

Leann snorted with laughter, her golden whiskey-brown eyes dancing. “That’s a lot of women.”

“Seriously.” Jill, an accountant pre-layoff, wore her practical, focused expression. “What’ll it hurt?”

Leeann nodded. “Worst he can do is tell you in that sexy, deep voice of his that he’s got other commitments.”

“Or laugh.” Haylee couldn’t help but grin at the thought of asking a gorgeous alpha cowboy out on a date. “But I’ll enjoy listening to the sound of it.”

“There’s our girl.” Leeann put her bunny slippers up on the coffee table. “I bet he’s still up. Why don’t you call him now?”

“Yes.” Jill grabbed the purse off the pillow, opened it, and held it out to Haylee. “Get your phone and call.”

She bit her lower lip. “I’m having second thoughts.”

“Come on.” Jill put the purse closer to Haylee.

Haylee took it and looked down. Her phone stared back. She glanced from Jill to Leeann. “I don’t have his phone number.”

“Oh, Lord.” Leeann drew her phone out of her robe pocket and touched the screen. “Hold on.” She raised the phone to her ear, and there was a moment’s pause. “Brady? Hey, I need Tyson Donovan’s phone number. Why? Haylee’s going to ask him out on a date. Text it to me now, please, brother dear.”

Haylee’s face burned hot, and she slid down the couch. She was never going to hear the end of this from her brothers.

Leeann disconnected the call and appeared to be pleased with herself.

“Why did you do that?” Haylee’s voice sounded strangled from the desire to laugh and moan.

“Gotta do this before you lose your nerve.” Leeann’s phone dinged, and she looked at her messages. “Forwarding to you.”

Haylee’s phone made the sound of birds chirping as the message came in. She closed her eyes. “I’m not looking.”

“I’ll do it.”

Haylee’s eyes snapped open as she felt her sister reach into her purse and snatch her phone. “Wait—no.”

Jill held it up to Haylee’s face before she could stop her and unlocked the phone with facial recognition.

Haylee made a grab for it, but Jill jumped up and danced away. “There’s the message…and…dial.” She held out the phone to Haylee.

Her gut bottomed out as she brought it to her ear and heard the ringtone. Maybe he wouldn’t answer.

“Donovan here.” There was that incredibly sexy voice.

“Uh.” She took a breath. “This is Haylee.”

A pause. “You’re not in bed yet.”

She gripped the phone tighter. “Did I wake you?”

“Nah.” Now, he sounded amused. “What’s up?”

“Do it,” Leann whispered.

Jill mouthed, “Ask him.”

Haylee turned her back on her sisters. “Are you going to the Woodsons’ barn dance next Saturday?”

“Hadn’t made up my mind about it one way or another.” He paused. “Are you asking me out on a date?”

She closed her eyes as fire burned her face. “Yep.”