Page 40 of Country Mist

Tyson couldn’t help smiling whenever he was around her. “Glad to hear it.” He pushed a folded paper menu toward her. “I’m having the cowboy burger with steak fries and a beer.”

“Sounds perfect.” She didn’t look at the menu. “I’ll take the cowgirl burger with sweet potato fries.”

He caught sight of a server and flagged her down. “Reba, we’re ready to order.”

“Terrific.” The redhead smiled at him—she flirted with him shamelessly whenever he was in the bar and alone. “What’ll you have?”

Tyson told her and ordered a domestic on tap while Haylee said she’d like a craft beer. Reba collected the menu and whisked them away to the kitchen to place their orders.

Haylee leaned forward, both arms braced on the tabletop. “You mentioned a meeting with Henry Goldman on the phone last night. How did it go?”

“After looking over the books and going over the report by my attorneys, I think it would be a sound investment. So, I told him I wanted to hear his asking price.”

She leaned forward, closer to him. “And?”

He loved the enthusiasm in her expression. “It was far lower than I expected and what my firm’s estimation of value was. He’s been telling me he wants someone he trusts to take over his legacy and would give me a price he wouldn’t offer anyone else. It was a damned good one.”

She beamed at him. “So, you’re going to become a jerky tycoon.”

He chuckled. “If all goes well, I’ll own a jerky company. Don’t know about the tycoon part.”

“You’ll do well.” Haylee leaned back as Reba arrived with the beer and set one in front of each of them.

When the server left, Haylee sipped from her beverage while Tyson knocked back a good swallow or two.

She set her glass on the tabletop. “I imagine yours and Henry’s attorneys will hammer out the contract.”

He gave a nod. “Goldman’s in a hurry to retire, so I think it’ll happen sooner rather than later.”

“You mentioned Dutchman’s Gold is a regional small-batch company.” She cocked her head. “It’s not available everywhere that I’ve seen.”

Tyson shook his head. “He provides the product mostly to wholesale warehouses, which in turn sells to small retailers and their members.”

She looked like she was considering the information he’d given her. “Do you think you’ll go bigger with the company? Maybe go national?”

He blew out his breath. “Hell, if I know. I’m in no rush to grow it bigger. I might like to keep it as is, but there’s a huge market for jerky, and Dutchman’s Gold is the best, in my estimation.”

Haylee smiled. “It sure is my favorite. And now you’ll become my favorite jerky man.”

Tyson laughed. “I’m not so sure about that title.”

Reba arrived with their burgers and fries, a squeeze bottle of ketchup, and silverware rolled up in paper napkins. She swept away, and both Haylee and Tyson dug in.

“Oh, my God.” Haylee dabbed her mouth with her napkin. “Mickey makes the best burgers in Arizona.”

Tyson chased his large bite down with beer, then thumped the mug on the table. “It hits the spot.”

They enjoyed their meals, Haylee eating every bit of her burger and sweet potato fries and Tyson clearing his plate.

After they finished eating and their table was cleared, Haylee sat back in her seat. “I’m ready to go home and climb into bed. It’s been a long day.”

“I’m beat.” Tyson finished off his beer and set it on the tabletop. “I’ll walk you out to your truck.”

He put enough cash on the table to pay their tab and a generous tip, then helped Haylee into her jacket and slipped on his own. He escorted Haylee out of the bar, but they couldn’t get very far without running into someone either knew and saying good night before moving on.

When they finally walked out onto the broad porch, the air was cool and crisp, and the stars twinkled brightly in the sky. He stuffed his hands into his jacket pockets as they walked down the steps onto the gravel and toward their parked vehicles in the dimly lit parking lot.

A woman screamed, and Tyson came to a hard stop, hair rising at his nape. His protective instincts kicked into gear, and he clenched Haylee’s arm, halting her with him.