Page 39 of Country Mist

“I wanted it.” She had to struggle to get her breath back. “But you’re right, we shouldn’t go any further tonight.”

He kissed her forehead and shifted her in his lap so that her head rested against his chest as their bodies rocked with the motion of the hay wagon.

It seemed too soon when the conveyance pulled up before a roaring bonfire. Tyson jumped down from the wagon then helped Haylee out. They went closer to the fire, which heated her blood and chased away the chill.

When she was warmer, they enjoyed hotdogs they purchased at the small stand, then complementary s’mores handed to them. When they finished the treat, Tyson rested his arm around her shoulders and guided her toward the parking lot.

She rested her head against his shoulder as they walked. “I had a great time, Tyson.”

He kissed the top of her head. “I did, too. Thanks for coming with me.”

When they reached his truck, he helped her in, then jogged to the driver’s side and jumped in. He turned over the big engine, and in moments they were headed back into King Creek.

“This was such a great day.” She smiled at him as he drove. “We did so much, and I had such fun.”

“That makes two of us.” He glanced from the road to her and back. The amber glow of the dashboard lights illuminated his features, making his cheekbones and chin look even stronger.

They didn’t talk much on the way back. It had been a long day, and they’d packed in a lot of activities.

Once they reached her home, he walked her to the front door. She unlocked the door and turned the knob. “Would you like to come in? I think Jill and Leeann are out.”

“I’d better be going.” Tyson drew her into his arms. Her eyes widened as he brought her flush against him, and she felt his desire pressed into her flesh. “My control around you is paper thin.”

Haylee shivered, needing him even more than she had earlier. But they both had to be smart about this. She let out her breath slowly, then raised herself on tiptoes and brushed her lips over his. “Goodnight, Tyson. Thank you for a wonderful day.”

“Not so fast.” He drew her into his arms and kissed her long and slow until her mind spun and she felt dizzy.

“Goodnight, hon.” His breath warmed her lips as she clung to him to steady herself. “I’ll call you tomorrow.”

She stepped back. “Goodnight, Tyson.” Her legs felt shaky as she slipped into her home. She gave him one last long look and closed the door.

A moment passed before she heard his boot steps on her front porch stairs, and then down the walkway. His truck door slammed shut shortly after, and the motor came to life. Gradually, the sound faded into the night.

It was then she realized she’d been holding her breath. She inhaled deeply, then let it out and started for her bedroom. Tonight had been too soon to take things further, but next time…the next time they were together might not be.

In another two weeks, they would be headed for a B&B in southeastern Arizona, and she had a feeling they wouldn’t be sleeping in separate rooms.

She smiled as she entered her bedroom and closed the door behind her. Tyson Donovan was a hell of a man, and right now, she considered herself one lucky woman.


Tyson leaned back in his chair and watched the front entrance of Mickey’s Bar and Grill, waiting for Haylee to walk through. He’d called her late in the afternoon and mentioned he was going to Mickey’s for a burger and a beer, and she’d said she’d love to join him.

It was early Wednesday evening, and there wasn’t a live band, but country music played loud from speakers in the rafters. He tapped his toe to a Kade Fields tune.

Haylee walked through the doorway like sunshine filling the room. Her blonde hair lay about her shoulders, and her smile knocked the breath from him.

Their gazes met, and she waved and started toward him. He took in her smooth, fluid movements, the gentle sway of her hips, and the curve of her kissable lips.

“Hey, Tyson.” She reached him, and he stood. “Sorry, I’m a little late.”

“You never have to apologize.” He kissed her, and her lips tingled from the gentle kiss. He helped her out of her jacket, then waited for her to take her seat before he resumed sitting in his own.

She glanced at the empty table. “You haven’t started yet.”

“I’m in no hurry.” He shrugged. “Besides, a gentleman always waits for a lady.”

Haylee rolled her eyes. “Save me from cowboy gentlemen.” Then she looked at him, a sparkle in her eyes. “Truth be told, most women secretly love it.”