Page 33 of Country Mist

Haylee shook her head. “That wouldn’t be a good idea. Geese are too unpredictable.”

“Just do it.” Helen cut her off in an imperious tone. “My daughter is about to arrive.”

“It’s a safety issue.” Haylee had to get her to understand.

Helen turned her back on Haylee. “Get them on the water and do it now.”

Haylee took a calming breath as Helen walked away. Did the woman know anything about geese?

Apparently not.

What was that saying about the customer always being right? So not true.

Haylee met Tyson coming around from behind the gazebo. “Change in plans.” She grimaced. “Helen wants the geese on the water.” She shook her head at Tyson’s doubtful look. “She gave the order, make that a demand, and with Helen, there’s nothing I can do about it without her going ballistic.”

He picked up the kennel and carried it toward the pond. “You’re sure?”

She joined him and groaned. “It’s going to be a disaster.”

He reached the water’s edge. “I hope you’re wrong.”

She watched him open the gate. The geese waddled out of the crate, honking and flapping their wings. She crossed her fingers and kept her distance from the fowl. “I hope I’m wrong, too.”

When she was far enough away, Haylee turned her back on them and hurried around the tables, making adjustments, ensuring everything was as perfect as possible.

Splashing came from the direction of the pond, and then relative quiet. She looked in that direction and saw the geese placidly floating—they seemed to be enjoying the water, so maybe it wouldn’t be so bad.

Women, ranging from young adults to elderly ladies, started showing up. In King Creek, all folks loved a good party.

Haylee greeted the guests—she knew almost everyone there. Tyson stayed out of sight, likely because it was a female-only gathering. He’d been a big help, and having him there had been fun.

The afternoon passed with everything going perfectly and everyone seeming to have a good time. The bride-to-be beamed her thousand-watt smile from her chair beneath the arbor as she opened her gifts. Everyone stood around Paige, watching as she was gifted items from custom slippers, to his and her luggage tags, a gold sequin tote, bride robe, satin pajamas, makeup bag—and more risqué items like a sexy negligee, edible panties, and a kinky couple’s game.

Loud honking and splashing came from the pond, and a lump jumped into Haylee’s throat. She shot her gaze toward the sound—

And to her horror, the geese charged toward Helen.

They came up from behind her, necks outstretched, making hissing sounds and honking.

Haylee bolted toward the woman. “Helen, watch out!”

Helen looked up.

The geese reached her, and one nipped her backside.

Helen gave a blood-curdling shriek.

Eyes wild, she whirled around and started beating back the geese with her purse. “Get out of here! Go away!”

The geese stretched their wings and thrust out their chests as they looked for their next victims with their backs to them.

Haylee stormed into the geese. “Get back.” She waved her hands and chased them away from the guests. Geese were cowards—they chose victims who weren’t looking and didn’t know they were coming.

Tyson had the crate ready. “I’ll take care of them.” He inclined his head toward two young boys sitting at the foot of the gazebo, looking thoroughly like they’d had the riot act read to them. “These young men will help since they threw rocks at the geese and stirred them up.”

“Bradley and Joel.” Haylee put her hands on her hips and narrowed her eyes. “Your mamas will be so disappointed in you.”

“Don’t tell them, please.” Bradley’s horrified gaze pleaded with her. “Mom’ll kill me.”