Joel nodded, his head bouncing like a bobblehead doll. “Please, Miss Haylee.”
Haylee pointed to the loud waterfowl. “Gather those geese and get them back in the crate. Then we’ll see.”
The boys took off for the honking creatures. Haylee blew out her breath and looked at Tyson. “Thank you.”
He winked, sending a shiver through her, and she swallowed. Damn, but the man was hot.
Haylee gathered herself and returned to the melee left behind.
Helen looked like she had steam rolling out of her ears as she stomped toward Haylee, brows narrowed. “My daughter’s party is ruined. All because you brought those—those—damned beasts.”
Haylee’s eyes widened, and she struggled to contain the retort she wanted to make. “I’m sorry, Helen. I don’t know what happened with the order for swans. I confirmed this morning and Jerry said he was sending over swans.”
Helen stood ramrod straight and lifted her chin. “I want a full refund.”
Haylee stared at her for a moment, unable to comprehend what Helen had just said.
“I mean it.” Helen narrowed her gaze. “You owe me a refund.”
Haylee struggled to control her emotions. This whole disaster was going to cost her thousands, all because she’d let Helen steamroll her.
She inhaled deeply and let it out slowly. “Helen, I have a party to finish. We can schedule an appointment to review today’s details later in the week.”
Afraid to let her emotions show on her expression, Haylee stepped around Helen and returned to the guests, who were milling around and chatting excitedly.
The back of her neck burned, and her scalp itched. Her reputation could take a hit from this whole mess. She took in a restorative breath and shook it off. She had a job and a bride who deserved a fabulous party no matter what the end result might be.
Haylee acted as the hostess, ensuring everyone was okay and asking if they needed anything.
She seated Paige again beneath the arbor and gathered the ladies back around the bride-to-be, who only had a few more gifts to open. In moments, the ladies exploded into giggles when Paige opened a box containing a giant twenty-inch cherry-red penis. Face as crimson as the dildo, she hurried to stuff it back in the box.
From the corner of her eye, Haylee saw the horrified look on Helen’s equally flaming face.
After unwrapping the last of the presents, the bride handed out her gifts to her guests, thick glittering pens with giant glass “diamonds” on top.
The breeze caught Haylee’s hair as she watched and blew it across her eyes. She brushed it away with her fingers and looked toward the gazebo. Tyson sat on the bottom step, and he was watching her.
She smiled and waved at him, and he raised his hand in acknowledgment. Heart beating a little faster, she turned away and said goodbye to the guests as they departed.
Helen seemed to be keeping her distance, which was fine by Haylee. She couldn’t deal with it all at this moment.
When the last guest had left, Haylee started cleaning up. Decorations lay scattered across the ground, and bits of garbage dotted the grass.
“I’m here to serve.” Tyson’s voice was like a low purr to Haylee’s senses.
She turned around with a smile. “I’ve got plenty for you to do.”
“Fire away.”
She nodded toward the ground. “Please pick up the trash and toss it. Then you can help me pack up the decorations. John Burnham should be here soon to get the tables, chairs, and the arbor.”
Tyson’s gaze met hers as he rested his hand on her shoulder. It felt heavy and warm through her blouse. “Has anyone told you lately how wonderful you are?”
She looked at him in surprise, then pretended suspicion. “Are you trying to get on my good side?”
He kissed her lightly on the lips, then smiled at her. “You just looked like you needed to hear it.” He let his hand slide away then turned to start his job.
She watched him, his words sinking in. Did it show on her face how she felt about what Helen had said to her? Did it bother her even more than she realized?