Page 59 of Sold on You

Charlee nodded slowly, but she wanted to smile at the thought of Ace. “Everything turned out fine.”

“I’m so happy it did, but in the future…” Jo studied Charlee. “Did something happen with Ace?”

So much heat filled Charlee’s cheeks that she burned with it. “We had a great time.”

Jo’s eyes widened. “By the look on your face, I’d say that’s an understatement.”

Charlee couldn’t help but smile this time. “Yeah, you could say we had a terrific Christmas.”

Jo leaned forward, excitement in her gorgeous green eyes. “I want to know.Everything.”

They were stepsisters and several years apart, and Charlee’s mom had sent Jo away to boarding school at a young age. Even with that, Charlee and Jo had always been able to talk when they got together.

Charlee shrugged. “It started out with us playing games, making bets, goofing around, decorating for Christmas. Just fun stuff.” She shrugged. “And then it started turning into something more than just friendship.”

Jo looked delighted. “You let him in.”

Charlee nodded slowly. “Ace is the right person. He’s a good guy and I’ve known him forever. I know he wouldn’t intentionally hurt me, and he’s fun to be around.”

“And sexy.” Jo grinned. “Don’t forget the sexy part.”

“And sexy.” Charlee smiled. “I like him, Jo. I really like him.”

Jo tilted her head to the side. “Love, maybe?”

A shiver ran over Charlee, from head to toe. “I can see it happening.”

I think maybe it already has,Charlee thought to herself.

“That’s wonderful.” Jo’s eyes lit up. “Tate and I will have you two over for dinner.”

Charlee held up her hands. “Too soon maybe?”

Jo brushed it off with a wave. “Nah. He’s a McBride and he’s one of Tate’s cousins. They roll with it.”

“Most of them.” Charlee tucked hair behind her ear. “Although, Ace did mention something about crashing a McBride wedding reception.”

Jo gave a nod. “There you go. They’d just figure someone else invited you and that would be that. No one would give it a second thought.”

“You’re as bad as Ace.” Charlee laughed and shook her head. “But then, I knew that already.”

Jo put her elbow on the table, her chin in her hand. “You’ve had sex with him.”

Charlee’s face heated. “Obvious?”

“To me.” Jo studied Charlee. “I’d say don’t rush into things, but you’re way beyond that. Besides, you’ve waited a long time to let someone in.”

“Yeah,” Charlee said slowly. “A long time.” She straightened in her chair. “How’s Tate?”

“Great.” Jo glanced at the girls. “He’s the best dad ever.” She looked back to Charlee. “What about you? Do you think Ace would make a good dad?”

Charlee held up her hands in a “whoa” motion. “Not even close to being there yet.”

Jo kept her gaze focused on Charlee. “Do you want kids?”

“Yes.” Charlee gave a firm nod. “I’ve always wanted children of my own.” She looked at the girls. “Seeing Adalyn and Camryn, and Bailey’s new baby, Kyle, it makes me want kids more than ever.” She added quietly. “I just never thought it was possible, due to my history.”

“I’m glad you’re not letting your past ruin your life.” Jo placed her hand over Charlee’s. “You deserve to be happy.”