Page 58 of Sold on You

The moment they entered the common room, Adalyn and Camryn squealed and ran to Charlee. The redheaded identical twin girls hugged Charlee’s legs, one on each side.

“Aunt Charlee!” Adalyn tilted her head back to look up at Charlee. “Will you play dolls with us?”

“Pleeeeease,” Camryn said from the opposite side. “We got new Barbies for Christmas.”

“Sure.” Charlee dropped her tote as she knelt, hugging both girls at the same time, one in each arm.

Charlee grinned as she leaned back and looked from girl to girl. “I bet Santa spoiled you both this year.”

“Rotten,” Adalyn said solemnly. “Daddy says so.”

Camryn giggled. “But Santa didn’t bring us any coal.”

Jo set the big bag next to Charlee then ruffled the girls’ hair. Camryn always wore a purple bow or headband, and Adalyn’s were always pink, their favorite colors. “You were both lucky after all the trouble you’ve been into this last year.”

“Yes.” Camryn sat next to Charlee. “Real lucky.”

Charlee looked with amusement at her sister. “Tate’s doing?”

Jo laughed. “He so loves to tease the girls. Says three-year-olds are the most fun. But then he says that every year as they get older. What do you say to some pumpkin spice coffee?”

“Perfect.” Charlee sat cross-legged on the floor as Jo retreated to the kitchen. “I brought you presents.”

“Yay!” Both girls spoke as one as they climbed into Charlee’s lap.

“Oof. You two are getting huge.” Charlee struggled to balance the pair. “You’re going to have to sit on the floor if you want your gifts.”

Adalyn and Camryn immediately popped up then dropped back down onto their butts, mimicking Charlee and crossing their legs.

Camryn clapped her hands. “What did you get us?”

Charlee grabbed her tote from off the floor and dragged it to her. She dug inside and brought out matching packages, checked the tags, and handed the appropriate one to each girl.

They tore off the wrapping paper and giggled with delight. “Barbie clothes!” Camryn shouted as she held up her opened gift. Charlee had picked out different outfits for their dolls, especially since the girls liked to share. There was a time that would probably change, but not for now.

“Santa stopped by my hair salon and told me he was giving you Barbies for Christmas.” She reached for the huge bag Jo had set beside her. The girls tossed aside the doll clothes packages and waited, as if poised to jump.

Charlee managed to get the large gift out of the bag, and she set the box in front of them. “You get to share this one. You can unwrap it together.”

They tore at the paper, shredding it, and they both squealed with excitement.

Adalyn clapped her hands. “A Barbie hair salon.”

“Just like Aunt Charlee’s.” Camryn bounced on her toes. “I’m going to get my new Barbie.” She was across the room like a shot.

Adalyn bolted after her sister. They ran back, each one holding identical redhead Barbies.

They plopped down again. Charlee helped them open the box and pull everything out. After setting it all up, Charlee left them to play, totally absorbed with their new things.

“That smells wonderful.” Charlee took the mug of pumpkin spice coffee that Jo offered her. They settled in at the kitchen table as the girls played.

Jo wrapped her hands around her mug that had a gingerbread man pattern around it. “Explain to me why you drove to your cabin on Christmas weekend, without telling anyone.” She frowned. “Not only that, but you lied to me and you lied to the McBrides. Why?”

Charlee blew out her breath. She’d known she was in for it.

She lowered her gaze and stared at the Christmas wreath patterned mug she held. “This is the first year that everyone is married or engaged and then there’s me, alone.” Her throat worked as she spoke. “I know it was selfish to only think of myself, but I was feeling so lonely.”

Jo put her hand over Charlee’s. “I get that.” She squeezed. “Just don’t ever do that again. If Ace hadn’t been able to get to you, God knows what could have happened.”