Clara sits across my desk, her mouth twisted into a disapproving scowl as I go through the mountains of paperwork piled on my desk. She didn’t buy the Covid thing, not for a second. The bigger problem I’m facing comes in the form of this Gemini Corp. The new company that sprang up out of nowhere is outbidding Kings Industries in every significant deal across Manhattan.
I’d definitely dropped the ball on that one. Clara had mentioned the name weeks ago, and Rose had overheard Feng talking about them at the Christmas tree lot that day too. I’d been so damned distracted between Rose’s legs, I’d fucked up big time. I spent all morning researching the corporation myself this time, and they seem as clean as a new penny. There’s no way they’re the ones behind our warehouse robbery, right?
Then again, why would they be on Feng’s radar if they were so squeaky clean?
Dropping my pen to stare at my computer screen, I scan my inbox for that email from Clara all those weeks ago. “Merda,” I mutter. Gemini Corp had been buying land along the docks back when I first took on the role as CEO.
It has to be them…. But why? This seems personal.
I skim the measly documents Tony sent over when I’d had him pull up everything he could find on the new player in town and zero in on the name of the CEO. Or rathernames. Niccolò and Marco Rossi.
Rossi? Rossi … Rossi. I think back to the big Italian crime families of New York City. The Espositos, my future sister-in-law’s family had been one of the biggest, then the Romanos, the Capones. But Rossi doesn’t ring any bells.
It must not have meant anything to Tony either, or he would’ve been on it.
“What did you find?” Clara’s sharp voice draws me from my inner musings.
“I’m not sure yet, but there’s something going on with Gemini Corp.”
“I told you—”
I raise my hand, cutting her off. “I know. You were right, Clara. I fucked up.”
A smug smile crosses her Chanel red lips, and I nearly take it back.
“Now we just have to figure out who thesebastardiare and what they want.” My gaze pivots back to the mound of files on my desk, and a groan slides past my clenched teeth. Turning to my brother’s executive assistant, I force a smile. “Were you able to re-source the materials we lost for the commissioner’s project?”
She nods. “Of course, but the problem is the timeline. We will never be able to break ground per the original schedule.”
“I’ll talk to Commissioner Gordon myself and explain the situation.”
“You’re going to tell him we were robbed?”
“No,” I growl. “I’ll come up with something better.”
“As long as you don’t blow up our warehouses, I’m happy.” Her eyes sparkle at the jab. Clearly, she’s heard about the incident at Dr. Mark’s practice. Irritation crawls beneath my skin, like thousands of spiders dancing across my flesh. Even with his home and livelihood destroyed the asshole hasn’t shown his face. How is that even possible?
I loose a frustrated breath and focus on the calm. “Call these Rossi CEOs and coordinate a meeting, will you? I need to meet thesecoglioniface to face.”
“Of course,signorValentino.”
* * *
Muttering curses, I storm out of the commissioner’s office and jump into the limo. “Drive!” I bark at Aldo. He guns the engine, and we weave into mid-day traffic. Of course fucking Gemini Corp put in a bid on the dock’s project the second our shit went missing. It only serves to confirm my suspicions that these assholes are not what they seem.
It’s a damned good thing Clara’s a fucking pit bull, and I’ve already got a meeting on the calendar with the Gemini CEO in an hour. I’m going to teach that man who rules Manhattan. As Aldo drives us through the gridlock up to Park Avenue, I shoot a quick text message to Rose.
I hate leaving her all day, but I’ve let so much slide in the past few weeks I’m starting to worry by the time Luca returns there will be nothing left of the old King Industries. And he’ll have my fucking head on a platter.
She responds right away, the silly heart emoji at the end of the message doing stupid things to my real heart.Cazzo, this love shit is a nightmare.
Now that I’ve heard from her myself, not that I haven’t had Tony checking in every half hour with reports, I can focus on the matter at hand. Crushing Gemini like the fucking low-life scavengers they are. If they rescind their bid on the project, Gordon will have no choice but to wait for us to get the replacement supplies.