Page 95 of Savage King

My hips instinctively roll with his, the movement second nature now. This time the sex is more therapeutic than earth-shattering. Just feeling him above me, inside me, all around me is all I crave. The fear yesterday was crippling. I never thought I’d fall so hard or need him so much.

Closing my eyes, I lose myself in the fiery sensations, in the turbulent storm that is Dante Valentino.

* * *

I sit across the kitchen island from Dante as he flips through the pages of the New York Times, and I shovel cereal into my mouth. I’m already dreading him leaving. He promised he’d be back in a few hours after the meeting with Jianjun, but still. My eyes lift to ogle him one more time before he goes. He’s stunning in a three-piece navy suit that hugs those broad shoulders and tapers perfectly down to his narrow waist. The devil really does wear Prada.

My phone buzzes, drawing me away from the blatant gawking. I stare at the screen and immediately pick up when I see my brother’s name. Robbie doesn’t call often so it must be something important.

“Hey, sis.”

“Hey, what’s up, Robbie? Everything okay with the kids?”

Dante’s watchful gaze rakes over me.

“Yeah, they’re fine. I was actually just calling to check in on you. How are you holding up?”

Shit. Did he hear about me running out of Dad’s place? Did he find out about my stalker? Did Dante call him? A million thoughts swirl through my mind.

"Uh, I'm good...," I finally mumble. “Just got back into the city.”

“Yeah, I heard you were out on Long Island visiting. At least you got to see Uncle John before … crazy, huh?”

Ice surges through my veins, and all the air catches in my throat. “Umhmm,” I mutter.

“How could someone just go missing like that? I mean I know he’s not married and it’s not like he has kids waiting here in Florida, but who just disappears without telling anyone? And right after your visit.”

My fingers tremble around my phone as I look up and find Dante’s gaze still heavy on me. “Yeah, it’s definitely weird.”

“Anyway, I know you guys were close, so I just wanted to see how you were doing.”Close, ha. A lifetime ago, bro. Sometimes, the fact that no one realized what my uncle had done to me hurt more than anything else. How was everyone so blind?

Was I that unimportant to everyone in my family that no one noticed how broken I was after that summer?

“I’m totally fine,” I finally say. “And you know what, Robbie? I hope they never find that asshole.” I punch the hang up button and drop the phone on the marble counter. Then I glare up at the brooding male perched across from me, pretending to read the newspaper. “Dante….”

His brows lift, an innocent expression across that perfect face.

My phone rings again, but I ignore it, refocusing on Dante. “You don’t happen to know anything about my uncle going missing, do you?” My thoughts flicker back to the rage in his eyes that day. That pure unadulterated hatred emanating from every pore in his body. I should’ve known he never would’ve let that man go unpunished.

“Which uncle would that be?” He smirks.

I nearly jump across the counter, planting my palms on the marble. “What did you do?”

“What had to be done.” The smirk is replaced by something far more sinister as darkness etches across his features.

A thrill surges up my spine. “Did you kill him?” I speak the words slowly, the voice not quite my own.

“It’s better if we don’t talk about this.”


He shakes his head. “We won’t have spousal privilege until we’re married. Then I’ll tell you every last fucking, gory detail of his alleged disappearance.” His lips twist in disgust, and my uncle’s bloodied, bruised face fills my vision. An image I’ve dreamt about my whole life.

I’m so enraptured with the thought I almost skip right by the marriage bit.Almost. He’s mentioned it twice now and each time has my heart punching at my ribs. I vow to bring it up when things settle. For now, I crawl across the counter and leap into his arms. His hands cup my ass and hold me tight against his fine suit. “Thank you,” I whisper against the shell of his ear. “I sure as hell hope this never comes back to bite us in the butt, but I appreciate it more than you’ll ever know.”

Dante runs his hand over the back of my head, threading his fingers through my hair. “I know, sweetheart, I know.” Then he kisses me so hard, he steals the air from my lungs.

“I love you,” I rasp out. “I love you more than anything.”