My phone buzzes in my pocket, and I pull it out only long enough to confirm my guess. Luca again. He’s been calling nonstop since I hung up on him yesterday. I refuse to talk to my little brother until I have good news. Or better yet, when I have Feng’s head on a spike. I’m not really counting on Jianjun to deliver his nephew straight to me, but I only hope he sticks to our deal when the time comes.
The car rolls to a stop in front of a towering skyscraper only two blocks away from King’s Tower. These dickheads are really asking for it. Do they really think they can step in and take over our city?
Over my fucking dead body.
I march into the modern lobby, all dark, thick-paned glass, clean lines and black-and-white furniture. The name Gemini is stamped across the front desk in bold, gold print. Damn, I hadn’t been sure before, but this confirms it, the whole building is theirs.
A woman with a bright smile and a tablet pressed to her chest darts toward me. “You must be Mr. Valentino.”
“I am.” This is some reception.
“Great, Mr. Rossi is waiting for you in the conference room upstairs. I’ll escort you up.” She motions toward the elevator bank and guides me to the last one. She presses her hand to the biometric reader, and a green light flashes a second before the doors open. Hmm. High-tech. Once we’re inside the sleek contraption, only one button is lit. It whizzes us up to the top floor of the immense building, and my stomach nosedives at the speed.
I’m going to have to get after Clara to update our clearly outdated lifts.
Leaning against the cool metal, I toss the girl what I’ve been told is a charming smile. I may be a lot of hard edges, but I know how to schmooze when I must. “Have you worked for Gemini Corp long?”
“No, I haven’t. I just started about a month ago when they moved to this location.”
“Oh, really?”
Her head bounces up and down, reminding me of an over-eager puppy.
“How do you like it?”
“I just love it,” she croons. “Mr. Rossi is tough but he’s fair, and—” Her mouth snaps closed as the elevator doors glide open.
Damn it.
“Right this way, Mr. Valentino.” She leads me through the modern foyer with sweeping views of mid-town and furnishings that match the minimalistic esthetic from the entrance, then stops in front of a black door. “Mr. Rossi will be right in. Please wait in here.”
I nod and slip through the doorway as she watches me. The conference room features the same views as the foyer along with a massive table at the center with seats for at least twenty.
How could an operation this significant spring up out of nowhere? Had I really been that distracted since Luca’s departure? My brother is going to murder me, and he has every right.
Jerking the leather chair back, I settle into the one at the head of the table. It’s a simple power play, and I’m curious to see what Mr. Rossi will do. Also, which one would I get and what is the relation? Father and son? Brothers? Cousins? So many possibilities.
I stare at the clock on the wall as the minutes tick by. Thebastardois making me wait, also a power play. Drumming my fingers on the mahogany table, irritation gathers along my brow. If this guy’s trying to piss me off, he’s accomplishing it. Every moment I spend apart from Rose only fans the flames of fury.
Finally, the click of the door handle sends my pulse skyrocketing. But I keep still, refusing to show how much his tardiness is rankling at my last nerve.
“You must be Dante.” A smooth voice fills the room, the deep tenor oddly familiar. I slowly turn to face the dark-haired young male marching toward me. He’s got to be around my age, early thirties tops. In a sleek, dark suit and wearing an arrogant smile, he reminds me of Luca. Except for the fucking man bun.Dio, I hate those things.
“That’ssignorValentino,” I snarl as he extends his hand. I purposely don’t stand, matching his disrespect at using my first name.
“Of course,signorValentino.” His fingers wrap around mine, aggressively. I give it to him back and more. “I’m Nico Rossi.”
So, Marco must be the father….
“A pleasure.” I offer him my most plastic smile before it melts into a scowl. “I’ll make it quick, Nico. I came today because it appears we have some shared interests.”
He slides his ass onto the table so he can peer down at me. Touché. The man is not a complete idiot. “And what might that be?”
“The commissioner’s dock project. I understand you’ve made a very competitive bid, but the thing is, it’s already ours.”
His lips twist, bright blue eyes sparking with amusement. “That’s not what I heard.”
“You’ve been misinformed then,” I growl.