Page 22 of Candy Canes

Hmm maybe she is. She’s certainly dangerous to keep around, but...well, looking at her it’s clear to see what Wint did; she needs this job. She’s hiding it well, chin raised and a proud look on her face, but I can see the tremble in her hands which she’s wringing.

“Is there a problem...Mr…?”

“Name’s North. Everyone calls me Daddy.”

She pulls a face. Tries to hide that too, but completely fails. I bite back a grin.

“Problem with that...Miss…?”

“Just call me Grace. Or Gracie.”

“No can do, Candy.” I smirk. Okay so maybe I’m not as clueless about this new recruit as I led Wint to believe. I just like giving him a hard time. Especially because I didn’t expect his replacement hire to look likethat.

“I can’t believe we’ve got ourselves a recruit called Candy, working at a club calledCandy Canesno less. It’s too perfect.”

And damn would I like to cane her.

She looks pissed. Ah, must be at my insistence at using her real name. I need to speak to Wint about that. We need more info on her. What’s her story?

“This place is called Candy Canes?” She frowns. How does she not know the name of the establishment she is working at?

“Go home,” I say dismissively, picking up my phone again to stop myself from bending her over the couch and railing her all night long.

“Excuse me?”

“You heard me.”

“B-but why?” she stammers. The shaking is more visible now. “Because I didn’t know your bar was called Candy Canes?”


“Bar. Club. Whatever. What kind of club is this anyway?”

I ignore her.Has she not figured it out yet?

She jumps to her feet, fists curled. That gets my attention.

“What was the point in asking me up hereandinviting me to sit down, just to kick me out?! The hell!”

Her bite sparks a little interest. She’s so fucking attractive, but I thought a little too innocent looking for here. However, standing before me, fists clenched, chest heaving, eyes flashing in anger...yeah, maybe I misjudged her.Bambi indeed.


“No! Fuck you. I did nothing wrong tonight! I don’t deserve to be fired.”

“I’m not firing you.”


I love the deer frozen in the headlights look she’s giving me, panicked and wondering how to backtrack on losing her shit in front of her new boss.

I smirk. “Can’t fire you if I never hired you.”

“Bastard,” she spits. She’s looking around the room like she’d love nothing more than to launch something at me. It’s almost impossible to keep the amusement off my face.Oh, try it little girl. Please do.I long to teach her a lesson, put that anger to good use, do something productive with that mouth of hers.

“Go home,” I try again.

“Please,” she squeaks, tears pooling at the corners of her eyes, making them somehow even brighter and bluer. Fuck that’s sexy. I do love it when they cry. “I really do need this job.”