Page 21 of Candy Canes

“What’s that supposed to mean?” I demand, but he just gives me an infuriating enigmatic smile. Wanker.

“Is she even legal?” I snap, still staring out the window and down into the bar below where she’s busy getting drinks for the club members. She looks so…young.

Internally I groan, wondering if she’sactuallyyoung enough to be my daughter. Just because she’s legal, doesn’t mean the age gap between us isn’t still vast.

“Of course.” Wint sighs. “Twenty-one.”

Fuck. That’s young. I’m twenty-four years older than her. I shouldn’t be staring the way I am. Age aside, I can tell she’s just my type. Shit. I need to keep my distance from her. She can be Wint’s problem.

I force my gaze away and frown at Wint instead, taking my frustrations out on him.

“And her background check?”

“Still waiting on it, but the basic search didn’t turn up any red flags.”

“You’d probably have hired her even if it did,” I mutter, looking away from him and back to the blonde even though IknowI should stay well away.

Red is definitely Wint’s favourite colour when it comes to women. Wrap them up in a giant red flag and he thinks it’s a Christmas gift he gets to unwrap.

Annoyingly, I still can’t seem to take my eyes off the blonde downstairs though. The way her curls bounce as she moves is really mesmerising, and if I were more of a gentleman,I wouldn’t be thinking of watching them – and her tits – bounce as she rides my cock. But I’m no gentleman, so I stare unashamedly and watch her every move instead.

Just because she might be young enough to be my daughter, doesn’t mean sheis my daughter, so I have no shame in my filthy fantasies.

It’s fine, looking is not touching. Admiring the view isn’t a crime.

Neither is fucking her. She’s legal.

Those thoughts immediately get banished.

When she stumbles in her heels and has to clutch the bar for support, spilling a drink down herself, I swear quietly under my breath. Crossing the room, I snatch up the receiver of the phone on the wall and stab the number two button to ring down to the bar. Frost answers it instantly.

“Send her up,” I snap, replacing the receiver before he can reply. Wint smirks at me.

“Piss off.” I glare at him, but the fucker just laughs. “I mean it. Get out of here. Don’t you have work to do or something?”

“I don’t know. Aren’t you due in the dungeons?”

“They’ll wait for me.”

“Of course they will, oh high and mighty one,” he replies sarcastically as he saunters to the door. Cocky git.

Thankfully he does leave though, which is just as well because a moment later the new girl comes through the door. Without knocking. I grit my teeth.

“Hi, erm, Jack said you wanted to see me?” she breathes out all in a rush.

“Frost. And yes, I do. Come in, close the door.” I don’t know why I’m being so gruff with her, but I don’t intend to stop. I need to make her hate me so I’m not tempted to claim her for myself.

I sit on the sleek black modern leather couch that overlooks the bar and rest one foot on the knee of the other leg. I lean back in the chair and watch her closely.

She’s a small thing. Even in heels. Petite, but curvy too. She looks fragile and delicate, and in her blue slip she looks doll-like. Especially with her blonde corkscrew curls and huge blue eyes. She’s staring at me too, but hasn’t moved from her spot just inside the room. She did close the door though, so at least she’s not completely disobedient.

“Come sit,” I say, nodding to the couch opposite. I watch as she wobbles over on unsteady feet. My phone pings and momentarily distracted, I look down at the work group chat. I might be the face of operations here, but I’m an equal shareholder with the four other guys. My best friends and brothers. Frost has messaged, and I grin at his words:what do you think of Bambi?

I rattle back a reply, knowing that his message is meant for me, but also expecting the others to chime in too. I’m keen to get their thoughts.

Undecided. You?

A fucking liability. She’s too green. Or vanilla. Or whatever colour it is that goes with being a prissy stuck up virgin.