“Shoot the ball.”

Link beats me at horse, too. But not as badly. I manage to get to R. “I think I’m ready to eat now.”

“Me too. Do you want to go to that place by your house?”

“The Burger Shack?”

“Yeah. I don’t spend too much time in that area, so I don’t eat there very often.”

“Sure. Since you have Rosie, we can just go through the drive through and take it to my house.”

He nods. “Sounds good.”

“I can order for you, since I owe you a couple of meals.”

“No. I’ll follow you through the line.”

We both order our food at the window, then drive the two miles to my house. On the way there I try to remember if my house is a mess. I’m not a slob. But I don’t always clean up after myself. I think about his house and I stop worrying about it. He’s not a slob either. But even on its worst day, mine is cleaner than his.

We take our food inside and sit at the kitchen table. Other than a few dirty dishes in the sink, it doesn’t look too bad. And of course, I’m sure he doesn’t care one way or another.

I unwrap my burger and take a bite, then smile at Link. “I told Billy I’d take him shopping for a suit to wear to court.”

“You’re going to buy him a suit?”

“Yes. He needs every advantage I can give him.”

“Kind of an expensive advantage.”

“It goes on my expense account.”

“Oh.” He takes a bite and chews it. “Can you buy me a suit on your expense account?”

“So you can wear it to the reunion?”

“No, I’m kidding. I’ve got no use for a suit.”

“You don’t own a suit?”

“I have a suit. I just never wear it.”

I think about Link in a suit…I bet he looks pretty dashing in a suit. It’s a pretty good picture. “I think the reunion is pretty casual, so you can just wear nice pants and a button-up shirt.”

He cocks his head. “I can’t believe you still think you have a chance of winning. Your guy showing up to court in a suit isn’t going to change anything.”

“We’ll see.”

Since Billy doesn’t own a car, I arrange for a car to pick him up. I don’t feel me picking him up is really the right move. And I’m pretty sure Link would disapprove. Not that I have to answer to Link. But I still worry about what he thinks.

I meet Billy at a downtown shopping center and we go into a major department store that sells suits. Since I don’t know anything about suits, I ask a salesman for help. He steers us toward something appropriate for the occasion and Billy takes two suits to the dressing room.

The saying, “The suit makes the man” is true. Even though Billy hasn’t combed his hair in a few days and he’s wearing a Nirvana T-shirt under the jacket, the suit transforms him.

I nod. “That’s great, Billy.”

He looks down at it. “I’ve never had a suit.”

“You look really nice. Do you want to try the other one on?”