“Yeah, that’s gross.”

I follow her to the door of the women’s bathroom. She walks in for a moment then walks back out. “Come on, coast is clear. I’ll hand them to you over the door.”

“You want me to go in there?”

“It’s the ladies’ room. Not a nuclear waste dump.”

I give Rosie the order to guard the door, then follow Allyssa into the restroom. She hands me her clothes and a pair of tennis shoes and goes into a stall. A few moments later, she dangles her skirt and blouse over the top of the door.

“Okay, trade me.”

I hand her the jogging pants and T-shirt. After a few more minutes, she comes out dressed, but still wearing her heels. She holds onto my arm while she switches shoes.

Then she smiles at me. “There. Good to go.”

We leave the bathroom to find a woman and her child backing away from Rosie. I smile at her. “Sorry. Police business.” I whistle for Rosie and she comes up beside us as we walk away.

Allyssa leans in toward my ear. “I don’t think she buys the police business thing.”

I laugh. “I don’t think so either.”



Linkisalittletoo aggressive on the basketball court, but I try to keep up with him. We play a game of one-on-one and he gets to twenty-one points before I even get five.

I raise my hand. “Okay. You’re macho. I’m not. Let’s play horse.”


“It’s fine. I didn’t want you to baby me. And you didn’t.” I walk over to the drinking fountain, which in any other circumstances I’d never use. But I need some water. “If I get some sort of terrible disease from this thing, I’m blaming you.”

He steps in front of me. “I’ll go first. That way, I’ll absorb the majority of the germs.”

“You’re so chivalrous.”

He takes a drink, then wipes his mouth on the tail of his shirt as he steps back, giving me a peak at his abs. “You know that ruggedly handsome remark? I want to take it back.”

Link laughs. “Just rugged?”

“Yes.” I take a drink, a polite drink that doesn’t require me to wipe my mouth off, and we go back to the court.

He bounces the ball a couple of times, then smiles at me. “How about a side bet?”

“No. We agreed to leave the bet as is.”

“Okay, you’re right.” He takes the ball a few feet from the net and tosses it. It swooshes through the net. “Are you ready?”

“Are you taking that as your H?”

“No.” He bounces the ball to me. “You can go first.”

I bounce the ball a few times, then hold on to it. “What did you want to bet?”

“I’m not telling you. No more bets.”

I shake my head. “You’re such a brat.”