Maybe it was the alcohol making my head swim a little, or maybe I was just sick of being constantly reminded of Ryan Carson and how much everybody seemed to idolize him, but my patience snapped.

“Well, for one, he’s not really the cool, calm, and collected type.” I grimaced. “That’s all just an act. He’s really a huge asshole.”

Everyone’s eyes went wide with shock, and a few audible gasps filled the air.

“Really?” one woman mumbled. “I can totally see it.”

I frowned. “Really?”

She nodded. “Yeah, he’s got that hot, bad boy vibe going on.”

“Bad boy?”

“I agree!” another of the girls declared. “It’s so sexy. I bet he’s really demanding in bed.”

What the hell was happening? I tell these weirdos Ryan’s an asshole, and that only makes him more intriguing to them?

I did not understand women.

They all started chatting about how hot Ryan was, and I took a long drink of my beer.

“I would absolutely let him bend me over and do terrible things to me.”

“He could throw me against a wall.”

“I bet he likes it really rough.”

I grimaced again. I thought I was going to be sick.

One of the girls noticed my reaction and grinned at me. “Oh, come on, Sam. You wouldn’t sleep with him if given the chance?”

I arched a brow and scoffed.

Loudly, I declared, “I would rather remain celibate for the rest of my life than ever sleep with Ryan Carson.”

To my surprise, Mandy’s eyes went wide, and she gasped. Jessica slammed her elbow into me and let out a hissing nose.

“Shit, Sam,” she murmured, gazing at something over my shoulder.

Frowning in confusion, I turned around to see what was freaking her out.

I froze, my heart dropping straight to the floor.

Jason and Ryan were standing there, watching us. Jason looked as though he were holding back laughter, but Ryan…Ryan looked pissed.

Chapter thirteen


Ifeltoddlyangryas I glared at Samantha.

It hadn’t taken long upon arriving at the bar to realize the women were there as well.

They hadn’t noticed us at first, and Jason and I had broken off from the rest of the bachelor party to sneak up on the ladies and surprise them.

My eyes had been locked on Sam.

I hadn’t been able to tear my gaze away from her, but as we drew near, I could hear what she was saying.