We lived in a small town, after all. Everyone was pretty much friends with everyone.

“How’re you feeling?” she asked me with a grin.

I chuckled and sighed. “I’m good. It’s been a while since I’ve been out like this. Have to remember to pace myself.”

Jessica laughed. “It’s not such a bad thing for you to let loose now and then. I never get to see you anymore between work and Henry. Don’t get me wrong, I love that little guy, and I know he’s your number one priority. I just miss you, is all.”

“I know.” I nodded to show her I really did understand. “I know, and I’m sorry. Sometimes, I get too focused on everything I think I have to do, and not always what I want to do.”

“I know,” she assured me. “I’ve known you for years. I know how your brain works.”

“You’re a gem, you know that?” I grinned. The bartender came over, and I ordered a water and two beers. I handed one of the beers to Jessica. “Come on. My parents have Henry for the night, so I can really enjoy myself and let loose without having to worry about waking up early.”

Jessica took the beer with a nod. “Well, in that case, let’s not waste this opportunity. Bottoms up!”

We clinked our glasses and tipped our beers back to chug them like we would’ve done as teenagers. When our glasses were empty, I felt giddy and a little lightheaded. It seemed like I was more of a lightweight than I’d thought.

Grabbing two more beers to sip on, as well as Mandy’s water, Jessica and I wove our way through the crowded bar to get back to our group.

“Here,” I told Mandy, handing her the water. “Drink that. Hydrate yourself some.”

Mandy took the water with a grin. “Thanks, Sam! You’re the best, you know that?”

I nodded and said, “Of course I do. Drink your water, and you can have another shot if you want.”

“Okay,” she said before taking a long drink.

Jessica elbowed me in the side. “Look at you, super-mom.”

I rolled my eyes. “I’m letting loose tonight, remember?”

“Yeah, you are!” Jessica exclaimed with a laugh.

Our group stood around the table, chatting and drinking for several minutes. I knew all the other women, though I wouldn’t say I was friends with any of them other than Jessica and Mandy. Still, I felt at ease and lighthearted as we laughed and enjoyed the evening together.

However, my calm was quickly erased when one of the women asked a particular question.

“Mandy, you have to tell us about Ryan Carson. Is he single?”

I tensed, pressing my lips together so I didn’t blurt out anything I might regret.

Mandy shrugged. “I’m pretty sure he’s single, but I don’t know him that well. He’s kind of quiet. Stoic. Very cool and collected.”

I accidentally snorted into my drink. All the women turned to look at me, and I stared back at them like a deer in headlights.

Oh, shit.

“Oh, wait!” one of the other girls declared. “Sam grew up with Ryan, right? Sam, you can tell us what he’s like.”

I gawked, my cheeks burning as they all continued to stare at me. Jessica was trying to hold in her laughter as she stood next to me, her fist clenched against her mouth.

I elbowed her in the side.

“Um, well, he’s my brother’s friend, not mine,” I said, trying to dissuade them from asking me any more questions about Ryan.

Of course, these thirsty bitches would not be distracted.

“Oh, come on,” one of the girls insisted. “You’ve got to know plenty about him. Spill!”