When her eyes fluttered open she smiled softly. “Do you really think asking me to be your girlfriend while you were making me cum was a fair exchange?”

I chuckled and dragged her dress up her body. She lifted her arms to assist with its removal. After I tossed the material aside, I lowered my head, landing my mouth a breath away from hers. “I wasn’t asking you to be my girlfriend, Jhorie. I’m too fucking grown for that. I’m asking you to be mywife.”

She was in the process of fisting my shirt to yank it free but froze.

“You…your wife.”



A lot.

“I’m not most men but you already know this. I’ve never been one to second guess my gut feelings and everything in me says you’re what I need. I’ve wanted you from the minute you sat down next to me at that bar, but mywantfor you has now become aneed. I see no point in wasting valuable time. I’m fully prepared to close the deal.”

“This isn’t a business negotiation.”

“I’ve already told you, everything in my life is business in one way or another.”

“I don’t want a business deal. I want a marriage. Arealone.”

“I’m offering you that. How we get there is simply a minor detail. Tell me you can’t see a future with me and I’ll drop the subject.”

“I can.”

“Then I’m asking you to be my wife. I’ll marry you right here, right now if you say yes. If you need time, I’ll give you time. Not much…” I smirked. “But I’m open to a short period of reflection.”

“Do I have to answer you now?”

“No, right now I’m going to fuck you—very fast, very hard—then I’ll take my time with you.”

Her eyes narrowed and those luscious lips tilted upward. “I have no objections to that.”

“I didn’t think you would.” She yanked my shirt free from my pants and reached for my belt. The kiss that followed was desperate and needy. I kicked off my shoes and before my pants hit the floor, I had a condom from my pocket in hand, then covered my dick only seconds before I slammed into her.

I wasn’t gentle but she didn’t seem to mind based on the pleased throaty moan she released the second time I landed painfully deep in her pussy. I dragged her to the edge of the dresser so she had to depend on me to hold her up.

Her eyes were closed but I kept mine on her, watching while I fucked her hard. Eventually her eyes opened again and when they fastened with mine, she lifted one hand from the dresser, placed it on my face, and kept her eyes on me while I spread her thighs wider, my hips sinking deeper inside her.

I felt her pussy clenching harder, letting me know she was edging toward her release so I fucked her with long, hard thrusts until my muscles tensed and burned. Her breath hitched and I moved one leg up over my hip, garnering more depth. My grip on her thigh was firm enough to leave bruises but she returned the favor, sinking her nails into my skin at my jaw.

“Fuck,” I growled right before she came. Her entire frame shook and jerked forward. I gave in and let myself go, emptying into the condom. This woman was going to be my wife and my body was already celebrating the victory.


Jhorie flipped her cards over and smiled a little too happily. “And looks like I now own a jet and a very nice beachfront property in Crescent Keys I look forward to seeing very soon.”

I chuckled and leaned across the pile of cards, wrapping my hand around her neck to bring her mouth to mine. After enjoying the wine and chocolate on her tongue I pulled back. “You already had a jet and the property. What’s mine is yours and yours is mine.”

I winked and Jhorie rolled her eyes, untucking her legs. She had been sitting across from me on the sofa, legs crossed while we played Blackjack for the past half hour. Jhorie wore a hotel robe while I was just in my briefs.

“I didn’t say yes.” She stood from the sofa and walked to the table to refill her glass with what was left of our wine. Her eyes were already hooded from the three glasses that'd preceded it but she was enjoying her evening and I was enjoying her.

Before returning to me, she sampled another forkful of cake and hummed her approval which shot directly to my dick. Considering we had already fucked our way through several rounds this evening, I ignored the urge to enjoy another.

“I think this might be competing with the food your chef makes. No food rainbows, but it’s still good as hell.”

I chuckled as she flopped onto the sofa and recrossed her legs, watching me while I collected and shuffled the cards.