“Food rainbows? You’ve been talking to Amel.”

“Yep. He mentioned something about Cress wanting him to eat rainbows which was the most adorable thing ever becausehe’sthe most adorable thing ever.”

“He’s an Omari man and colorful food basically means variety, which means it’s healthy. It’s easier to tell a three year old to eat rainbows than it is to demand they eat healthily.”


“Cress and Elias are all in with the parenting thing and diet is important, so they find ways to make it work. Hence the chef.”

“You said that. I know why it’s important for Cress but why your brother?”

I hesitated then relaxed. Marrying Jhorie meant being open about every aspect of my life. By default that meant Elias’s struggles. “Diet is important for people with bipolar disorder. Ahealthydiet, that is, staying away from processed foods with a lot of sugar and carbs. They’re associated with anxiety and depression. Cress makes sure Elias avoids all of those things as much as possible. With the kids it’s better to be safe and teach them healthy eating habits. It’s why we have a dedicated chef.”

“Does she think they have it?”

“No, but they’re young so it’s too early to say. The condition is genetic which means it’s very possible. Either way, we love them and give them the best life possible.” I kept my eyes on hers and she nodded.

“Of course.”

“You want kids, so have you considered that as well?” Although I wasn’t bipolar that didn’t mean my kids couldn’t potentially be. She needed to understand the possibility existed.

“I guess I never thought about it.” She frowned a little and slowly sipped her wine.

“You should if you plan on having kids withme. We don’t know who in our family passed it down but Elias is my brother. We share the same parents.”

I watched closely as she sipped her wine again. “I can’t say it’s not a valid concern but it’s also not one that would make me change my mind about wanting kids with you. I don’t know much about it but your brother seems fine.” She smiled. “A little scary at times but he’s fine. He has Cress, Ava, and Amel.”

“What you’ve seen of him is the balance. When he’s not balanced, things can get ugly but he’s still my brother, her husband, and their father. He’s apersonwe all love and deal with the rest as it comes.”

“What other way is there? He’s your family.”

“You’d be surprised.”

She nodded and watched me intently. “Do you think about it?”

“About what?”

“That your kids might end up like Elias.”

“No,” I stated firmly. “Regardless, they’ll be mine. My flesh and blood, of my heart, and I’ll love them as they are. I’ve seen the other side and I will never bethatparent. Not like they were to him.”

“You mean how your parents were with your brother.” She frowned and I nodded.

“Yeah, now let me deal our next hand so I can win my jet and property back.”

She smiled. “I thought it wasourjet.”

“It is but I needed your stubborn ass to admit you’re agreeing to the offer of being my wife. Claiming the things that areoursasminejust forced you to do so. See how that works?”

She rolled her eyes, placed the empty wine glass on the floor next to the sofa, and peeked at the cards I dealt.

“Hit me.”

I did and she groaned.

“I guess that means I’m keeping the jet.” I smirked and turned mine over revealing a jack and a nine of diamonds.

I reached for hers and flipped them over, discovering a king, six of clubs, and the eight of hearts I’d hit her with.