God, this sounded so unromantic.

“You two have an agreement aboutdating?”

My brows pinched. “Yes, which I suppose doesn’t seem very romantic. More like a business deal in a sense but I’m okay with that. I’m attracted to him; he’s attracted to me. We have amazing sexual chemistry which is very important for couples and being with him feels good. It makes sense to skip all the other stuff and see where this goes.” Shit, I was rambling, attempting to justify things that weren’t her business.

“Sexual chemistry?” she repeated smugly and I realized what I’d said but didn’t shy away from it.

“We’ve had sex.”Really amazing sex. I shrugged and she nodded. “So yes, sexual chemistry.”

“Hmm, but that doesn’t explain why you’rehere.”

“Oh, well he insisted that being in his life would complicate mine. I was living at Crescent Manor which he said would make me an easy target. Until I find a place he suggested I stay here.”

“He’s right and I’m not surprised about the extra precaution, but I am surprised that it landed you here. You do realize Ezekiel could have set you up anywhere in the city with one phone call.”

I tensed. “I’m sure he could have.”

“Butyou’re not anywhere in the city. You’re here, athishouse, withhisfamily.”

“I…well…this is temporary.”


I narrowed my eyes. “It is.”

“Only if you want it to betemporary.”

“I don’t know what you’re thinking but…”

“How much do you know about my husband?”

I frowned at the question because it presented as odd. Why would I know anything about her husband?

“Not much, but why would I?” I wasn’t sure where we were going with this but I decided to see it through.

“People talk. I wouldn’t be surprised if you’d heard things.” She shrugged. “Elias and Ezekiel are two very different people but they’re also quite similar. My husband is bipolar.”

She paused, watching me like she was expecting an adverse reaction. She wouldn’t get one from me but I was also wondering if she was going to attribute Ezekiel’s rash decision about us dating and me being here to him having mental health issues.

“I wasn’t aware.”

“My husband’s mental health is not something we as a family broadcast but it’s also not some shameful secret. His mental health issues are only a layer, not a definition of who he is.” Her eyes fastened with mine before she continued. “But that’s not my reason for bringing it up.”

“Then what is?”

“Elias functions better with structure. He needs things in his life to be consistent in order for him to have balance. When I mentioned they were similar I was referring to their need for structure and consistency. As miserable as he was in his marriage, the structure of that marriage kept Ezekiel balanced. I’m grateful she’s no longer a part of his life, however, it is obvious that good or bad, marriage gave him structure which meant balance. He needs both and I think he’s found that inyou. Or rather wants thatwith you.”

“You don’t know me to say I can give him balance and really, neither does he.”

“No, I don’t. But what I know is he brought you to see me dance, thenhereto stay at our family home. It might not be romantic or idealistically impassioned but he’s offering you a place in his life. One you can trust and depend on. Elias and his brother are fierce protectors and they love hard. When you’re privileged enough to fall under their care it’s not something you should take lightly. Beinghereis not something you should take lightly.”

I was still processing all of this when she added, “And for the record, my husband knew the minute he laid eyes on me I was his. I’m a bit stubborn so I won’t say I was fully convinced the first time I laid eyes on Elias that our futures were destined. It wasn’t long after we met before I knew he owned my heart. When you know, you just know. That’s the most beautiful connection anyone could ever have.”

“Do you go this hard for all the women in your brother-in-law’s life?”

Cress grinned. “That’s the point I’m making. There are no women in his life. He doesn’t date or waste time seeking out women with no end goal. Ezekiel had awife; one he was dedicated to for eight years. He might not have loved her but he honored his vows when she openly disrespected hers and him. He is kind, loyal, and gallant in regards to those who are deserving. I don’t know what your intentions are but I have a strong indication of whathisare.”

She walked over and hugged me. “I’m glad you’re here. It will be nice having another woman in the house to talk to. But if you’re not here for the right reasons, or if you are unsure about what you want, then I suggest you don’t stay long. Because again, you’re here. So Ezekiel is very clear about whathewants.”