
While I stood in the bathroom raking a comb through my hair I heard a light knock come from the bedroom. I placed the comb on the counter and walked back to the main space to find Cress standing in the doorway. She was wearing an off the shoulder, cropped sweatshirt and slouchy joggers that stopped just below her knees. Her hair was piled on top of her head, exposing a few damp, loose strands framing her face.

She smiled widely the minute our eyes met. “So, I hear you’re staying with us for a few days.”

“I am and I told Ezekiel not to bother you.”

“I’m excited you’re here so it’s no bother. Consider me therealwelcome committee. I’m sure he was very technical with his welcome. Basically, threw your stuff in here and said good luck.”

I laughed. “No, he wasn’t that bad. He gave me a tour, let me stew in my defeat, then ran because he was afraid I would argue with him about all the reasons why I shouldn’t be here.”

She was still standing by the door so I waved her in. “Please come in.”

“You sure? If you’re busy getting settled, it’s fine. I was just planning to pop in to say hi and see if you needed anything.”

“I appreciate that but I think I’m fine. This is a bit overwhelming even if being here is temporary.”

Cress nodded but I sensed something wicked in her smile. Something that had me inquiring, “You’re smiling like you know a secret?”

Her smile widened as she glided toward the bed and sat on the footstool at the end. “No, no secrets. What do you mean by overwhelming?”

I relaxed my shoulders and continued digging through my bag. I had no plans of completely unpacking so I was only removing what I needed for the evening.

“Just everything. The house, themanattached to the house…”

“Ahhh, I see. The Omari men have a very inordinate presence. When it comes to what they believe and what they want, their pursuit of those wants can be viewed as a bit irrational, yet endearing. It’s been years and I’m still processing how strongly Elias loves me. I can imagine it’s a lot.”

I cringed slightly at her comparison. She was married to Elias. They had a life and children. Ezekiel and I weren’t anything close to that.

“We’re not…” I shook my head, searching for clarity that wouldn’t diminish what I felt for him, because I felt something—very strongly, I might add—for him. “Ezekiel and I are…”

“You don’t have to try to make sense of things. Maybe I can help you sort it all out.”

“Sort what out?” I frowned at Cress who grinned.

“The chaos and conflict happening between your head and heart.”

Well shit, was it that obvious? Was I that easy to read?

“I wouldn’t say chaos, just an overwhelming sense of confusion.” I rolled my eyes and laughed. “Which is the same thing.”

“It is but still a lot. You know Elias and I didn’t do the whole meet, fall in love, and live happily ever after thing, right?”

“Yes, I know. Your marriage was arranged.”

“Yep, which is not typical for most but in our world, it’s very common, almost expected. I can probably be a voice of reason for you because I understand what you’re experiencing right now.”

Why the hell was Cress discussing arranged marriages with me? Maybe she was confused about why I was here.

“My situation is not the same. That’s not why I’m here.”

“Then whyareyou here?”

“Ezekiel is very straightforward about things—”

“He is.”

“We discussed his intentions for me and we sort of have an agreement about what dating will look like for us.”