“Oh shit, you’re really here. Even after I saw those videos you posted I almost didn’t believe you. I’m not even going to yell at you for being here and not calling me as soon as you landed.”

“Mal, you’re crushing me.”

“Good, you deserve pain. You left me.” She pulled back and pouted. It wasn’t until then that she realized I was there or maybe that Jhorie and I were together.

“And who the hell are you?” She looked me up and down, turned back to Jhorie and smiled deviously slow. “Oh so now it makes sense why you’ve stayed away.”

“Malin, this is Ezekiel, my boss…”

“Her colleague and closefriend,” I corrected and she shot me a chill out look while her girl smiled wider then glanced over her shoulder when she felt someone behind her.

“Ah fuck, look who decided to bring her ass home.” The man smirked while his eyes swept Jhorie. I stepped closer, slightly in front of her and the movement shifted his attention to me.

“Who the fuck are you?”

“Her boss, baby.” Malin looped her arm through his but he gently nudged her away.

“You working for this nigga, Jhorie? Bring your ass home and that won’t be necessary.”

“It’s not necessary now, it’s a choice.” I had no idea why I made the statement but I felt territorial over Jhorie. He was too because his gaze narrowed on me then darted to her.

“Dre knows you’re here? You hit him up?”

“No, why would I?”

“Because that’s your nigga who never made you work a day in your life and you were still living good.”

“She couldn’t appreciate a good thing,” another voice added and my eyes moved to him. He was already glaring at me.

“We should go.” Jhorie looked up at me. If she thought I was the type of man who would back down she had me all wrong.

“We will, but why don’t you introduce me to yourfriendsfirst.”

“Ez…” she warned but I didn’t back down.

“We’re more than friends, and if she didn’t tell you that, I am.”

I smirked. “You sure about that?”

“Not here, Omari. Call your people off because if they shoot either one of them, I’m not cleaning that shit up for you.” McCants stepped beside me and I smirked but kept my eyes on Jhorie’s ex.

“What people?” I questioned, knowing exactly what he was referencing.

“You know what the fuck I’m talking about. Call them off.” He turned to Jhorie’s ex. “This is not a game you’re trained to play. If I had to guess, there’s four shooters in here, one in every corner so no matter where he moves there’s a perfect shot lined up. They’re aiming at your head right now. They will continue to do so until he lets them know they don’t have to.”

The guy’s brows pinched as he glared at me and not so discreetly looked around.

“Omari…” McCants sounded desperate. Dropping bodies in a crowded club would ruin his evening. He might not want to but he would indeed clean up the mess if I gave the signal to pull the trigger. If the authorities showed up, there would be no bodies and no evidence. They also wouldn’t bother investigating because a large amount of cash would be exchanged to ensure they didn’t.

“These your guys?” I glanced at McCants and his jaw clenched.

“Yeah, I know who they are.”

“She’s no longer accessible. Make sure you have that conversation with them.”

He glared at me. “I wasn’t aware you had a newwife, Omari. You know the rules. Protection only covers our own.”

I smirked, letting him know I didn’t give a shit about the rules. He shook his head and simply said, “We’ll talk. Call your people off.”