I lifted my hand with my index and pointer fingers extended to the ceiling and circled them in the air. McCants relaxed beside me.

“Let’s go.”

I hooked Jhorie around the waist and we left. We could talk about it later but for now, I was getting the fuck up out of here.



The glow from the city lights rolled over Ezekiel’s handsome face, making him appear sexy and intimidating. He sat on one side of the SUV taking us back to the hotel and I occupied the other, neither of us addressing what had just transpired. His demeanor was relaxed, or at least that was how it felt. He seemed calm in an eerie way.

Being around a man like Ezekiel it wasn’t hard to notice the differences between him and Dre’thon, but experiencing them in the same space made those differences so much more notable. Dre’thon fished for attention. He pushed his assertiveness and Ezekiel didn’t have to. The man owned any room he entered, simply by walking into it.

“You’re free to tell me what’s on your mind,” he said without looking at me. His focus was trained on the window so I slowly took him in. Broad shoulders squared, posture perfectly erect and dominant, and jaw tight. When I didn’t respond, he slowly turned to me with those intense eyes, demanding my thoughts.

“I can’t tell you what’s on my mind. I don’t know what the hell I’m supposed to say about what happened back there.”

“Then ask whatever questions you need to have clarity.” His expression was stoic, unmoved by what he was offering.


“Did you really have men there?”With guns.


“Men who would have shot people because you asked them to?”


His expression hadn’t changed but his eyes did. They were cold and hard.

“You told me there wouldn’t be an issue, why would you bring me if you needed men with guns?”

“They were there so there wouldn’t be any issues. You were never in danger, Jhorie.”

“Did you know my ex would be there?”

I hoped this wasn’t all a game. Ezekiel was attracted to me. He had no problem expressing that but maybe he needed assurance there wouldn’t be anyone else in my life getting in his way. I had already been a game to Dre’thon. I refused to travel down that road again.

“How would I? You never discussed him with me.”

“I did, today.”

“Not in a way that would give me insight on who he was or who he associates with. I know you are new to my world and who I am but let me be perfectly clear, I don’t give a fuck about your ex nor would I care that he thinks he still has a chance with you. If I want to be with you, I will. Your past doesn’t fucking matter.Hedoes not matter.”

He stared at me, the depth of that statement weighted and clear, so I simply stated, “Tonight was a lot.”

His eyes lingered on me for a moment longer and his hand massaged his jaw like he was attempting to work out the agitation. “It was. I apologize.”

“You don’t have to apologize.” He looked out the window and didn’t say anything else for the rest of the drive.

When we arrived at the hotel, he went to the bar and poured a drink. I went to my room and showered, changed into something comfortable then sat on the edge of the bed, staring blankly at the balcony. Not long after Ezekiel joined me, wearing lounge pants, no shirt, and smelling like amber and citrus. He had also showered.

“Come with me.”

I lifted my eyes to his, nodded, and followed him onto the balcony. He sat in the small metal chair and pulled me into his lap, closing me in his arms and resting his chin on my shoulder.

“I meant what I said, you were never in danger tonight. Nothing would have happened to you and I had assurance in place as a guarantee.”