“You can take the elevator to the 30th floor,” the guy behind the desk said before the elevator dinged.
Following Remy onto it, I waited for the doors to close and then looked at him. He was my height and a big guy, but he was shaped differently than I was. My muscles were rounded like you would be after years of football practice. He was built like he had spent years chiseling his body in a gym.
He was like a pretty boy who had learned how to defend himself. Hell, he could more than just defend himself. If Dillon hadn’t separated us, it would have been quite the fight.
“Is there a reason you’re staring at me?” he said with his eyes locked forward.
“I’m wondering what it is you plan on doing. Are you just gonna offer me up in exchange for Hil and go? Or are you gonna stick around and watch them torture me to death?”
“People pay good money to watch stuff like that,” he said considering. “I guess I’ll decide in a moment,” he said, turning to me and smiling like the snake he was.
“Fuck you.”
“Fuck you too,” he retorted before the elevator dinged and the doors opened.
What lay before us was nothing I could have prepared for. We were staring at a living room whose carpet was covered with a blue tarp. In the center of it was a chair. Tied to it with his mouth taped shut was Hil.
There was dried blood on the corner of his eye. Someone had hit him. I stepped forward, ready to pound the shit out of anyone who tried to stop me. As I did, Remy stuck out his arm blocking my path.
“Unless you’re hoping to get my brother killed, I suggest you calm the fuck down right now,” he said staring at me.
Listening to him, I took a breath. This was all about keeping Hil safe.
Stepping out of the elevator and into the foyer, I spotted the two guys with their guns drawn. They were staring at us. Yep, I had been seconds away from getting myself killed. The asshole had just saved my life.
“Mr. Lyon. So nice of you to join us,” an older, menacing guy said.
Although the man couldn’t take me in a fight, it was clear that he had been in many of them. With a face full of healed scars and a body rounded from indulgence, it wasn’t someone to be messed with.
“Mr. Clement. Your invitation was hard to ignore.”
“I see that you got it,” he said, looking across the room at the love of my life. “And who’s this? Don’t you know it’s rude to invite the uninvited?” he said giving me the once over.
“Well, there are some things that can’t be avoided. You know how that goes.”
“I sure I do. So, shall we get down to business? I have something your father wants. And your father has something I want. What do we do about it?”
Remy looked at his little brother strapped to the chair and then turned to the guy who put him there.
“Well, the first thing you can do is untie my brother before I reach in your throat and rip out your tongue,” Remy said with a darkness in his eyes that I couldn’t have imagined.
The guy stared at him measuring the situation.
I thought we were about to be shot to death until the guy said, “Come now. You can do better than that. Sit, share a drink with me,” he said gesturing to the couch casually.
I seriously did not know what was going on. Was that how these people said hello? The crazier thing was that Remy went to the couch while gesturing for me to stay. They were actually going to share a drink together while Hil sat covered in blood and scared out of his mind.
With the two of them sitting on the couch, one of the guy’s men came over with a bottle of wine and showed his boss the label. His boss nodded, and as the two watched, the guy opened the bottle and poured two glasses.
“As if it were the most normal thing in the world, Remy took a sip and complemented it.
“Chateau Margaux 2014?”
“2015, actually. You know your wine,” the man said impressed.
“I know the things that are important.”
“Then I hope you know what’s important to me.”