Page 533 of Second Chance Trouble

“You want what you’ve always wanted, to control my father’s territory,” Remy said casually.

“No, I want the territory your father took from me. And I want compensation for the trouble.”

Remy swirled the wine around in his glass as if it were the only thing in the room.

“I’m assuming you’ve heard about my father’s condition?”

“I might have heard something about it,” the older man said with a smile.

“You do know that I am more than capable of defending everything my father has built?”

“That I don’t doubt. What I doubt is your willingness to sacrifice your brother to do it. As you see, I also have a knack for knowing what’s important.”

Remy conceded with a shrug.

“Then how about this. I acknowledge our defeat. I will let you take over all of my father’s off-the-book activities. That includes his protection routes, backroom bars, and his numbers businesses.”

“In exchange for what?” he asked, having Remy’s full attention.

“In exchange for letting my brother go and guaranteeing us the protection that such a gesture would earn. I want no one coming after me, my brother, my mother, or any of our remaining businesses. And I want you to treat us like a member of the family.”

“A distant member?” the older man clarified.

“A member that you know could slice your throat if ever you backed out on the deal,” Remy said calmly.

The man thought about it for a second.

“Then, it’s a deal.”

“Excellent. You do understand that none of this will kick in until my father, God rest his soul, is no longer with us.”

“Of course. I would never want to insult family,” he said with a smile.

“Excellent,” he said before swigging the wine and getting up from the couch.

“There’s only one more thing to deal with.”

“What’s that?” Remy said as he was about to approach Hil to untie him.

“My compensation for the trouble,” he said, pulling out his gun.

Remy stared at him like a wolf about to pounce.

“Don’t do anything stupid. You got what you want. Walk away.”

“Come on, Remy. You know that’s not the way this works. Your father insulted me. I can’t let him die thinking he got the better of me. I demand my pound of flesh.”

“Don’t do this!” Remy demanded.

“I demand my pound of flesh!” he screamed like a madman.

“Take me!” I yelled, drawing his attention.

He relaxed. “What?”

My heart was beating a thousand miles an hour.

“You heard me. If you need to take flesh, take mine.”