Continuing back to the truck, we got there with my teeth chattering. My wet clothes were freezing quickly.
“Let me turn on the heat. You might want to take off what’s wet,” Titus said unlocking the truck.
“I can’t move my arms. They’re so cold,” I told them starting to feel numb.
“I’ll help you. Here, sit up front next to the vents,” Cage said directing me to the front passenger door and taking off my jacket and shirt.
Bareback, I was as cold as I was in my frozen jacket. But when Cage slipped his jacket onto me, I was immediately enveloped in Cage’s body heat. It felt so good.
“You’re gonna want to take off your pants as well. Just until they dry,” Titus said with the truck running.
I looked at Cage for confirmation.
“Yeah, probably,” he agreed.
I moved my hand to unbutton them and I couldn’t control my fingers enough to do it.
“Let me get that,” Cage offered before moving his hand to my pants.
I was too cold and uncomfortable to make much out of it. But having him undress me warmed me up. With my pants, shoes, and socks off, I climbed into the front seat of the truck. I moved to the middle of the bench hoping Cage would join us. It wasn’t just that I wanted to be able to snuggle up to him for his body heat. It was that I felt better when I was in his arms. I could use a little of that now.
After he placed my wet clothes in front of a vent, he slid next to me and we were off. His holding me was automatic. I cuddled in his arms grateful for having him there.
I couldn’t be sure if I fell asleep on the way back or not. I wasn’t feeling perfect after hitting my head, but I didn’t feel nauseous. Nausea was the classic sign of a concussion. So, at least I didn’t have that.
By the time we were making a right turn past Glen’s general store, I was, for the most part, feeling better. I wasn’t going to tell either of them that. I wanted an excuse to talk to the town doctor alone.
The place we pulled up to was two-stories with white siding. If I were to picture the home of a small-town doctor, it would have been this. His office was a similarly looking detached building to the left of the main house but set further back.
Putting my pants and shoes back on, the chill from the water quickly returned. Having been blasted by the hot air in the truck, it didn’t affect me quite as much. Even with there being a slight breeze, I made it to the office without my dick freezing off. I was happy about that. I had barely started using it for its intended purpose. I didn’t want to lose it now.
“Dr. Tom?” Titus called bringing an older Latino man into the waiting room.
He was more serious-looking than his husband. He was also shaped differently. Whereas Glen was built like a teddy bear, Dr. Tom was more barrel-chested. Both looked like they enjoyed a good meal, though. This had to be what years of marital bliss in a small town looked like.
“Titus, what’s up? Who’s this?” The man said in a slight Spanish accent.
“I was giving them a tour of the falls and Quin fell through the ice. He hit his head on the way down so I thought I would bring him so you could check him out.”
Dr. Tom turned to me. “Quin, is it?”
“Yes,” I confirmed.
“Why don’t you join me in my office,” he said leading me back.
Behind the closed door, the doctor pointed me to the metal bed in the middle of the room.
“Have a seat. Let me take a look at you. Are you experiencing any nausea or headaches?” He asked sitting in front of me and shining a light in my eyes.
“No nausea. I had a bit of a headache but it’s almost gone now.”
“Okay, what about any tingling in your extremities? Fingers? Toes?” He said squeezing my fingers.
“I was in the water for less than a minute. Cage rescued me pretty quickly.”
“Cage? Is that your friend outside?”