“You two came to town to check out the frozen falls?”
“No, actually.”
“What brought you?”
“We’re looking for Cage’s parents.
“Oh,” the doctor said crossing his arms and leaning back. “What are their names?”
“We don’t know. His mother is listed as Jane Doe on his birth certificate.”
“That’s unusual.”
“That’s what I thought.”
“But, why are you looking for her here?”
“Because Cage’s father… or at least, the man who raised him, had an I.D. for Falls County Hospital. That made me think that he worked there around the time that Cage was born. If he wasn’t his biological father, and he worked in the hospital, there is only one way he could get a hold of a baby.”
“You’re making a serious accusation there. And that still doesn’t explain why you would come here.”
“We checked the hospital…”
“It’s shut down.”
“Yes. I figured that if his mother was at that hospital, she probably came from close by. Your husband said that you used to work there.”
Dr. Tom shifted uncomfortably.
“I did. It was a few years ago.”
“Were you there twenty two years ago?’
The doctor instinctually reached for his speckled grey beard.
“I was.”
“Did you hear about any children going missing or any mothers dying during birth? That was the story Cage’s father told him. He said that his mother died.”
“What was your friend’s father’s name?”
“The I.D. said, Joe Rucker.”
I watched for any response that came from hearing the name. He had none. There was no casual dismissal or confirmation. He was blank. Why didn’t he have any reaction at all? If the name meant nothing to him, wouldn’t he automatically brush it aside?
“I see.”
“Did you know him?”
“I can’t say that I did,” he said stone-faced.
“Do you know of any situation that could put Cage’s birth there?”
“You understand that I couldn’t tell you even if I did. There’s something called patient/doctor confidentiality.”
“Sure. I know. But, if there was a kid that went missing, wouldn’t someone be looking for them?”
The doctor just stared at me. Was his reaction supposed to be telling me something? Was I missing something that someone who was better at reading people would pick up on?