“God, anything. Just say it.”
“Massaging the belly is something as well as –“ She threw up her hands. “We are all adults here. It is not a scientific deal but sex has been known to work wonders.”
“Then I suggest you go on out and close the doors behind you.”
“We are not-“
“I am the one with this oversized baby pressing against my bladder, so you don’t have a say.” Remi told him frostily, before looking at Rachel. “Give us some privacy.”
With a laugh, Rachel headed for the door. “Call if you need me.”
“Hopefully not right now.”
“We are not-“ Wade began as soon as she left and closed the door behind her.
“You will if you want to alleviate my extreme discomfort.”
“How am I supposed to get in the mood when I know you are in pain?” he demanded.
“I am not in pain now.” She grabbed him by the collar of his light blue cotton shirt. “You said you love me.”
“Yes really. I am willing to try anything Wade. I want this baby out of me.”
“There must be other ways.”
“I want to try this way. Please.”
His expression softened as he stared at her. One hand went to her baby bump and he felt the sensation quivering through him as he felt his son moving against his hand.
“I hate to see you hurting,” he whispered.
“Then do your part.”
Bending his head, he kissed her.
“Okay.” He shifted her until she was turned onto her side. Taking out his cock, he lifted her nightgown and massaged the tip of it against her butt. Grabbing his hand, she twined her fingers through his and held on tight. His breathing became constricted and he felt his cock hardening.
Sliding it from behind, he grunted as she wrapped around him like a tight glove, sucking him in. She came immediately and he could feel the contraction starting back up. Unable to withdraw, even when he heard her whimper, he poured himself into her, his body shuddering violently.
As soon as he could, he eased out of her and using the napkins in the holder, he wiped her out and cleaned himself off.
“Dammit!” he whispered as he sprang off the bed. “You are in pain,” he said accusingly.
“Contractions!” she gasped. “And this one is a doozy. Call Rachel.”
“He looks like you.” David could not stop staring at the bundle in his arms. Anthony David had finally made his appearance at five in the afternoon, weighing in at eight pounds two ounces, two weeks after his original due date.
“No wonder he could not come out,” Remi declared happily as she gazed at her son.
“And he does not look like me.”
“I was talking to Wade. He has your chin, see the little dent and what color are his eyes?”
“I think they’re hazel.” The proud father was making certain his wife was resting. It had been an arduous forty-eight hours, but they were both relieved the doctors had not had to do a C-section. And mother and baby had both checked out enough for them to come home.