Page 79 of Wade

“And you are going to get some sleep, my love.”

“The milk is still not flowing the way it should,” she reminded him.

“Me and the little guy will just go chill in his room. We don’t need to hear any of that.”

“It has everything to do with him,” she called after her brother. “It’s his food.”

With a wave, David left the room, closing the doors behind him.

Sitting on the edge of the bed, Wade searched her face for signs of extreme fatigue. He had been terrified at one point when she started feeling the contractions coming on fast and furious.

“How are you?”

“Tired, but in a very good way,” she told him hastily. “It’s overwhelming Wade, I saw the baby in my arms, our son, with his wrinkly red face and heard his first cries and I thought to myself, that’s ours, we made him.

I mean, I loved him from the minute he was being formed inside my womb, but when he was placed into my arms, I felt this overwhelming love flowing in and spilling out.” She blinked back tears.

“And I cannot understand why or how my parents could feel nothing for us. How my mother could hold us in her arms and just treat us the way they did. I don’t-“ She shook her head. “I am sorry. I am spoiling the wonderful moment.”

“No,” he said quietly, wrapping her up against him. “I was thinking the same thing too. When I asked you to do me the honor of having a child for me, I kept asking myself if I was doing the right thing. My father was cold and my mother was uncaring. All she cared about were the benefits of being married to him.” He rubbed her arms slowly.

“When I held my son in my arms, I was convinced that I was not him, my father, and I could never be him.”

“We are not our parents. Thank God for that.”

“Indeed.” Tilting her chin up, he brushed his lips against hers. “Now my darling, I am going to insist that you get some rest.”

“No arguments here.” She stifled a yawn and lifted her face to his. “I love you.”

“I adore you darling,” he whispered against her lips.


One year later…

“She is so beautiful,” Remi whispered.

“My princess.” Wade hefted his squirming son into his arms and brought him over to see his baby sister.

“They are going to be sharing the same birthday.”

“And will probably fight over the cake.” She smiled gently as her baby boy reached out his arms for her.

“You want your mama, don’t you? It’s fine darling, I am not really tired and Linda is taking Aaliyah to get some sleep.”

She laughed breathlessly when her son tugged at the lock of hair escaping from her ponytail. “No, you don’t.”

She kissed his smooth cheek and inhaled his baby scent. They had both been somewhat concerned that she had gotten pregnant so quickly after him, but Rachel had assured them that this second pregnancy would be a breeze. And it had been. She had barely realized that she was pregnant and had gone about her duties as usual.

Wade had insisted on hiring a full-time nanny and the middle-aged woman had come highly recommended.

Linda was now part of the family and had settled in nicely. Remi had gone into hospital just yesterday and was out by this morning. Now, she did not even feel as if she had given birth.

“I still think we should do something for his birthday.” She winced as he dug his fingers into her neck.

“A cake later on today. He is not going to remember a thing. And that’s it for you buddy, you are intent on running your mother ragged.” Wade plucked his son out of her arms and lifted him above his head, much to the boy’s delight.

Remi smiled as she looked at the two of them. She was a mother of two and the wonderful feeling motherhood brought on was like being high all the time. Her friends, the wives she had gotten close to, warned her that it would fade. “Wait until Anthony touches the terrible twos.”