Page 76 of Wade

He had taken her out on the speedboat docked in the harbor and amused himself by her screams as he gunned the engine.

They had had dinner last evening at the Bistro Casanova and she had gorged herself on the excellent cuisine. Tonight, being their last night, they had decided to stay in.

“Tropical Paradise.”

“Pardon?” They had just finished a rather hectic and loud bout of lovemaking and were taking the time to cool off. And they had not bothered to get dressed. Moira had prepared the meals for the day and had gone off to visit friends on the island. The woman had discreetly left them alone in the big rambling building.

“That’s the theme I would go for. Instead of wallpaper, the suites should be painted individually, cool blues, deep greens and some shell pink as well.” She wrinkled her cute nose. “I am not a fan of pink, but shell pink and cotton candy pink in the mix. No carpets,” She shook her head.

“I have been studying the floors and the wood is excellent – all it needs is a good polish. And-“ She sat up on one elbow, the excitement glowing in her eyes. He loved to watch her work, or rather when she latched onto an idea and it began to form.

“Gaily painted throw rugs on the floor – an outdoor restaurant or two. Outdoor cooking, with the guests being part of the entire thing.” He tugged at a lock of tangled curls. “What do you think?”

“I think you are very talented and you know your stuff. That sounds excellent.”

“Am I – will I- “

“Will I be hiring my pregnant wife to take on such a big project?” His thick eyebrows arched.

“Now listen- “

“Considering that she is getting more pregnant as the months roll in and this project will probably mean that she will have to fly in to supervise the job? Not to mention the fact that my wife happens to be a perfectionist and will not rest until the right fabric is delivered and the- “

“I happen to be the best. And it is my fricking idea,” she pointed out.

“I can compensate you for the idea.”

She sent him a killing glance.

“But I would not hear the end of it.” He grinned at her ominous expression. “And I decided that I would like my life to be as peaceful as possible. There are conditions.”

“Of course,” she grumbled.

His hand cupped her cheek. “For the next four months, you will operate mainly by using the excellent devices available to you.

We are still in the purchasing stages and the transferring of titles. We want to concentrate on the outdoors part of it first before dealing with the interior. We are putting in a golf course, the swimming pool needs gutting and resetting.”

He trailed a finger over one smooth cheek, wondering if he was too much for her, if the fact that he could not keep his hands off her was going to be a problem. He had made love to her three times during the lazy day they were indulging in and he could feel the heat rising again. “Among other things.”

“How soon- “

“That is going to take months.” He edged closer to her, loving the feel of her naked body against his. “The tentative opening will be December. Hopefully.” He was nuzzling her neck and making it difficult for her to concentrate on anything except his clever and addictive mouth on her skin.

“We could- I could source the fabrics, frilly curtains – matching ones-“ She arched her body as he kissed the hollow of her throat. “No privacy shades, the view should be taken advantage of.”


“You are not listening.” Her hands wandered up and down his back.

“Is it that obvious?” He slipped down to his favorite place. “Our son and I will be fighting over who gets to suckle.” He was tonguing the tight bud and sending heat to her core.


“You have sold me on the idea.”

