Page 75 of Wade

"I am going to make it my point of duty to take you to Jamaica. The place is riddled with fruit trees."

"What's this?"

"Dragon fruit and that's starfruit and this is coconut." He pointed to the almost translucent pieces floating in delicious tasting water.

"I know coconuts." She rolled her eyes at him and he could not help but snag a kiss, tasting the mango she had just consumed.

"Hmm," he whispered against her mouth. "I might just use your mouth to fill my stomach." His tongue darted in and for a few minutes there was complete silence.

Dragging his lips from hers, he settled back and sucked in much needed air.

"What you do to me." With a shake of his head, he picked up his glass of pineapple juice with trembling fingers. "It's mind boggling." Tossing back the drink, he rose to his feet lithely, his magnificent body a thrill to behold.

"I am going to cool off."

Without another word, he strode away and she watched as he dived cleanly into the water. Taking several deep breaths, she pressed a hand to her rapidly beating heart and tried to steady herself. He was not the only one affected, she thought wryly. Picking up a slice of the delicious mango, she nibbled and turned her attention to where he was.

She was here, on an isolated patch of land with her husband. It was something that was surreal to her. She who had come from such a nasty background where she and her brother had had to fight not to become sucked into the horror of parents who had not given a jot about their upbringing.

She was here with a man who was not only rich and powerful, but one who loved her to pieces.

It made up for her crappy childhood, for all the times she had to endure the abuse, physical, mental and psychological. It had all brought her here, not just the location, but here to this man who had opened his heart and world to her.

The fact that he loved her, that he was not afraid to show how much, humbled her and made it easy for her to show him that she loved him too. Sometimes it scared her, she contemplated.

The fire between them, the heat consuming them and sometimes overwhelming them, but she was learning to embrace it all. To embrace him and everything that came with it.

Sitting up, she reached for a towel to wrap around her to ward off the sudden chill made by the wind.

He came out of the water, hands lifting to get rid of most of the water from his hair. Her breath caught inside her throat as she took in the lean muscular frame, the rippling muscles and the impressive sex.

She felt heat filling her as he came closer. Dropping down next to her, he sent her a smug look. “I am not a damn machine.”

“What?” She busied herself, putting the things back inside the basket.

“I know that look.”

“I was just admiring the merchandise.”

“Merchandise?” He flicked water at her, before tumbling her back.

“Now who is thinking about sex?”

“At least I am honest about it.” He kissed her hungrily.

“We should go on in.”

“Hmm.” He bit her lush bottom lip and felt her tremors. “We will. Just a few more minutes.”

He slid in, no longer surprised that he was ready for her. He had spent the time swimming to try and clear his mind and the emotions crowding him. But he was willing to embrace it.

Being married to her was contributing to what he was feeling.

Taking her lips with his, he drove into her and felt when everything dissolved into nothingness, everything except her.


“Now you can bounce some ideas off me.” He felt like a very satisfied Sultan with his harem of one. It was the last day of their honeymoon and the days had gone by so quickly that it hardly seemed like a week since they had been here.