Page 41 of Cruel Surrender

“I don’t feel like company,” she whispered and dug into her purse.

“We can have a short conversation here or I will take you to the precinct.”

Destiny gave him a dirty look before jamming the key into the lock. “Fine, detective. I don’t know anything useful at this point.”

“Allow me to be the judge of that.” At this point. She was knee deep in the middle of the investigation. He followed her inside, waiting until she’d turned on several lights before advancing. “How did you know where the club was located?”

“There’s such a thing as the Internet, detective. I do my research as you do yours.”

“Destiny, the address isn’t on the site. I checked.” He leaned against the doorjamb of her kitchen.

She remained silent, dropped her purse on the table and placed both hands on the edge of the counter. “I had to know. I need to comprehend in some way why three of my patients were so hell bent on living a secret life. They had everything to live for.”

“Three. Interesting. Would you care to expound?” As she visibly bristled, he was unable to take his eyes off her. She looked completely different than the other night. He loathed the fact he was thinking about asking her out versus trying to solve a case.

“I told you. I can’t talk about my patients.”

“Two of them are dead. We’ve been over this. What about the third?”


He inched closer. “Destiny, I have reason to believe you might be in danger.”

“Danger? I don’t know anything. Why in the world would I be in danger?”

He contemplated what he was going to say. The powerful men involved would absolutely not want to be connected to a BDSM club. He’d only had to glance at the list and his blood ran cold. “You don’t seem to understand that you’re the only connection to at least two of the victims.”

“And the other two?” she asked without inflection.

“Neither have been identified yet, but you can bet if either one of them is a former patient of yours, you will be placed under investigation.” A full minute ticked by. He debated leaving but knew he needed to press her. “You have an innate care about your patients. I get that. I have nothing else to go on at this point but the simple fact that two of them were patients of yours. Tell me about the third.”

Destiny folded her arms.

“This lifestyle you are so concerned about involves kink. You do realize there are teachers, doctors, lawyers, and PTA moms involved, don’t you?”

“Yes, I know that. I’m not talking about the traditional concept of BDSM.”

“Then what are you talking about and who is this patient you’re so concerned about?” Montana was electrified, much like he was in their previous meeting. Visions bridged the surface but this time they were muddled, figures dancing in shadows.

“Michael,” she blurted out then dropped her head. “There’s something wrong with him and I’m not talking about a penchant for punishment.”

“Wrong? As in you think he had something to do with the murders?”

“No. Yes. I mean…” She looked at him and shrugged. “He was here.”

“What do you mean here? As in he confronted you?” He grimaced, hairs on the back of his neck standing on end.

“Outside. I saw him clearly, and when I went to confront him, I found a card for the club. It was as if he was inviting me. The whole thing is odd.”

Now they were getting somewhere. “Go on.”

Destiny twirled a piece of hair between her fingers. Montana could tell her entire body was shaking. “So, you believe he frequents the club?”

“I don’t know anything for certain, but I wanted to find out why he’d left the card. I think he’s trying to tell me something. Maybe he’s trying to admit to… No, I refuse to think this way.”

“Maybe your instincts are correct.”

“I can’t believe he has anything to do with the murder of my other patients. I went back through his tapes and my notes. Still, he had such a horrible life and I ignored portions. There was clear abuse that certainly framed aspects of his life. I should have delved into this. I failed him as a doctor.”