Page 42 of Cruel Surrender

Montana hesitated. “I seriously doubt you failed him.”

She laughed, the tone bitter. “You don’t know that and no, I will not tell you any details.”

“All right. So, you went to the club unannounced.” She was no pushover. He made mental note to see if there was any Michael in the phone records of the victims. Abuse could create monsters.

“I thought the card was more of an invitation. As I said, I had to know. If I’m going to help Michael, then I need to ascertain why his behavior changed.”


“I was allowed in. I met this Mistress Jade.” She swallowed and finally turned to face him.

“I know of her. What happened?”

Trembling, she fiddled with the bodice of her dress.

He closed the distance. “You have to tell me. Whoever is killing these women I have confidence has a distinct connection to the club. If you found out anything, you need to confide in me, providing every detail, no matter how insignificant it may seem to you.”

“The club is for men looking for submissive women.”

“That much I know. What else?”

“These men want more than a traditional session.” She looked him directly in the eyes.

“More sadistic in nature?”

“That would be my guess. Nothing held back. Women are paid well for submitting to anything.”

“We’re talking about torture,” Montana whispered. The secret club was something else entirely. An underground organization where women were ceremoniously abused all under the guise of BDSM. No wonder Jade was hesitant and flip. She was terrified. Then why turn over her list? He suspected she was either leading him down a false path or someone was holding her reins.

“That would be my guess.”

“What else did Mistress Jade share with you?”

Sighing, she dug her nails into her skin. “She was testing me. She mentioned a preferred client had an interest in me.”

Montana closed the distance. “Don’t you dare under any circumstance go back there thinking you can handle this. Do you understand me?” He was shaking, his pulse racing. “Do you?”

“I do.” Destiny looked out the window for a few seconds. “He was there.”

“Michael?” When she gave him a sideways glance he exhaled. “Okay not Michael, then who?”

“I think I’m losing my mind.” She slumped and slapped her hand on the window.

“Someone was there you know.” He waited for a few seconds. “Who was there? Destiny, you’re a part of this. I don’t know why or how but you are. That makes your situation dangerous, whether you want to believe me or not.”

“I don’t know him.”

“Him?” She seemed antsy. He noticed how she was wringing her hands and the bead of perspiration trickling down the side of her face. This wasn’t about fear, but something else entirely. “Talk to me.”

She laughed before she spoke. “As I said, I think I’m losing my mind. I dream about this man. He is in my every thought. He won’t leave me alone. He’s willing me to be with him, succumb to his needs. He won’t stop until he steals my very soul.”

The words echoed in the kitchen.

Then he knew. She was excited, breathless with need. He was strangely put off by her admission. He thought about events from his past. The desire was similar. The words and the need for submission. Blinking, he took a step back. He damn well wasn’t going to compare the two. Still, her visions utterly terrified him.

She laughed and doubled over. “See? I’m crazy. I’m losing my fucking mind. What is wrong with me?”

He hadn’t anticipated her outburst and without thinking, he pulled her into his arms. “You’re not crazy. You are gifted.”