Page 12 of My Romeo

“Yup,” I smirked.

Dove connected the call and put it on speakerphone. “Hello?” she called.

“You wanna tell me where the hell you are going?” Yarder growled.

“Store,” Sloane called. “We are going to have the best party ever for Stretch.”

“I know that,” he grunted. “The fucking grocery store is the other way.”

“I think… going… in the… You’re bre–… Later!” Aero hollered.

Dove ended the call and tossed the phone on the dash.

Sloane burst into a fit of giggles, and even I couldn’t resist laughing.

“You think Yarder is going to believe we drove into a tunnel and lost reception?” Dove asked.

“He’ll be over it by the time we get home. Just look at my list.” There was a rustle of paper, and then Sloane was leaning into the front of the van with the yellow list in her hands. “We not only need to go to the grocery store but also the liquor store and then the party store.”

“Black balloons?” Dove asked.

“Yes, but I was also thinking we could get an accent color. Suggestions?” she asked.

“Gray,” Aero called.

“White,” Dove suggested.

“Green,” I added.

Sloane looked at me. “Like a neon green?”

“Forest,” I clarified.

“Oh,” Dove whispered.

“That’s kind of nice,” Sloane smiled.

“And also unexpected,” Dove whispered.

“Just get fucking gray,” I growled. She asked me what I thought would go with black, and I gave my answer. “Or pink. That would really fuck with Yarder. I’m sure he wants us to have this biker party in front of the camera crew but would probably short wire if everything was pink.”

“No,” Aero called. “Do not do anything that Throttle just said.”

Sloane glanced at Dove. “I kind of like black, forest green, and a little pink.”

Dove smiled wide and clapped her hands together. “Take us to the party store first, Throttle. We’re gonna show that camera crew just what a biker birthday party looks like.”

Dear, god. This was either going to be a colossal disaster or the most epic party the Iron Fiends have ever had.

I glanced at Dove, who looked like she was the cat who ate the canary.

I was leaning toward colossal disaster.


Chapter Six
