Page 43 of Break My Fall

“For now. They’re staying with some guys I know from my time overseas. They’ll protect them,” I explained. “So you good with the plan?”

“No choice. Em loves Maddie. She’ll kill me if anything happens to her,” he shrugged with a grin.

“Ty. This is serious,” I scolded.

“I know. I’m in, Nic. Just try not to get my ass kicked though because Jake and I have that adoption meeting next week and I don’t think arriving with my face all messed up will make me look like a responsible potential parent,” he told me.

“Next week? That’s great.” Tyler and his husband, Jake, had started the process of adoption almost a year ago and I knew they were getting frustrated about how long it was all taking. This meeting was the final step though, and after it they would know if they were going to be placed with a child or not. I had no doubt that they would be. They were an amazing couple and would both make amazing fathers. They had a beautiful home just outside of the city that any child would thrive in, plus Tyler worked from home, so had all of the time in the world to dedicate to a little one.

“I know. We’re so excited and so fucking nervous too,” he replied.

“You’ll be good. They’d be idiots to turn you guys down,” I told him plainly.

“Hope so,” he agreed. “Just keep me bruise free so Jake doesn’t kill me.”

“Don’t worry, pretty boy. We’ll get you out unscathed. Wouldn’t want to mess up that pretty face,” I mocked. I just hoped things went as smoothly as planned.

“I knew you thought I was pretty,” Ty taunted with his usual grin in place. He was an asshole, but I was grateful to have him watching my six. I was so lucky to have the family I had found and I wanted that for Maddie, Willow and the little one growing inside her too.


We’d been at the most boring fundraiser I’d ever had the displeasure of being at for just over an hour when Frank Foster walked in. He had no doubt planned his arrival to be ‘fashionably late’ just so that all eyes would be on him and his asshole son when they strode into the room.

They were both dressed in fancy designer suits and carried themselves with the sophistication and bravado their privileged, ‘old money’ heritage had afforded them, but the charming smiles and welcoming words to those who greeted them, didn’t fool me. I knew exactly what they were. I knew what they had done to Maddie.

I clenched my fists at my sides as I held myself back from charging right over and taking the two of them down as I wanted to. They deserved it, but it wasn’t why I was there. I had to handle this with a diplomacy I wasn’t exactly known for.

“What’s the move?” Ty asked from where he stood at my side looking relaxed, sipping from a glass of champagne.

“Let them work the room for a while,” I replied quietly. “Wait for an opportunity to get them alone.”

“Small suggestion,” he said as he turned to face me. “Maybe try to look a little less murderous, if you can. You’re alarming all of the rich assholes.”

“He broke Willow’s arm, Tyler. She’s only three years old,” I growled low.

“They’re safe, Nic. Remember why you’re here. You want to keep them that way,” he reminded me as he gave me a reassuring pat on the back. “Just breathe. Those fuckers are not gonna win this time. You won’t let them.”

“No. I won’t,” I agreed with determination.

Ty and I stayed in the background of the event for the next hour, not really speaking with anyone but each other, the both of us constantly watching Edward and Frank work the room with their false charm. It was easy to see how people were taken in by them. Not once in the time I was watching them did I see either of their masks slip even a little. They were good.

My opportunity finally came as the night wore on. Most people had taken to the dance floor, making the most of the live band now that a few drinks had lowered their inhibitions.

Frank and Edward were both standing at the bar together, no doubt conspiring about their next ploy. I gave Ty a nod, which he returned to assure me he would watch my back, then I made my way over to them, the whole time telling myself over and over why I couldn’t just lay them both out.

As I neared them they stopped talking and turned my way as if they sensed me coming. I consciously unclenched my fists and busied my hands pulling the leather folder from where I had it tucked under my arm.

“Nico. I was wondering when you’d have the balls to approach me,” Edward sneered.

“Rich coming from the coward who only has the balls to hit his wife and child,” I threw back as I walked up to the bar between them and leant casually back against it.

“Are you sure you want to be throwing about such slanderous allegations, Mr. Gallo? Remember who you’re dealing with,” Frank interjected and I didn’t miss the way his eyes subtly moved around him to ensure no one had overheard my words.

“I could sue you for deformation of character,” Edward added, but he looked a little flustered as he pulled at his shirt and jacket sleeves, unnecessarily straightening them.

“Try it,” I growled as I turned and stepped closer to him, leaning down until my face was right before his. “I’m sure the courts and the press would love to see the evidence I have to back up my claims.”

“Why don’t we take a seat to finish this conversation?” Frank suggested as he looked nervously to the server behind the bar who was blatantly trying to listen in to what we were saying.