Page 44 of Break My Fall

“Fine by me,” I agreed easily as I turned away from Edward and followed behind Frank as he led us away from the bar. I saw Ty watching me from where he stood across the room, and as Frank headed into the foyer of the hotel, I saw Ty move to follow from a distance.

I followed Frank into a large conference room just off of the hotel foyer. Franks strode in and sat at the head of the large conference table, placing the glass of scotch, which he still held, down on the table before him. I moved closer but remained standing and Edward took his place across the table from me.

“Where are they? I know she came running to you,” Edward demanded.

“Safe, and they are gonna stay that way. Maddie will be filing for divorce and youwillcooperate,” I told him, remaining a lot calmer than I felt on the inside.

“Are you threatening my son, Mr. Gallo?” Frank asked with a note of amusement. They truly thought they were untouchable.

Instead of answering I unzipped the folder I clutched and pulled out the pile of images I had within, throwing them across the conference room table so they spread out enough to make it obvious what I had.

“These are copies. Maddie’s attorney and my own both have copies too, just in case you were getting any ideas,” I warned as I looked to the two of them.

“What is this?” Frank asked as he shot to his feet and started pushing the photos apart so he could see them more clearly.

“Maddie’s injuries, inflicted by your son over the last two years. She photographed each one and kept a record. I also have images of what he did to Willow on that last night too. I’m sure the media would love to have this story,” I explained.

“This is bullshit. You have no proof I did this,” Edward snapped, clearly rattled by what he saw.

“Maddie’s attorney seemed pretty sure we have enough here to pursue criminal charges against you,” I told him. Satisfaction filled me as he visibly paled before me.

“What do you want, Gallo?” Frank asked as he sent his son a glare.

“Maddie wants a divorce. You will allow that to happen. You will also make sure this asshole stays away from Maddie and her children, and that she is given full custody in the divorce,” I told Frank, knowing he was the organ grinder. Edward would do whatever daddy told him to.

“Now just a minute!” Edward began, but Frank cut him off with a glare.

“Willow is Edward’s daughter. He has a right to see her and the baby when it arrives,” Frank tried instead, still clinging to the image he had created of his son being the doting husband and father.

“I’d say your son lost the right to be a father the day he tossed his three year old daughter at a wall so violently her arm snapped,” I ground out as I fought to hold myself back. “This is your only good option, Foster,” I added. “Either accept this deal and keep that animal away from them, or Maddie goes to the press and the courts and gets full custody anyway. I think we both know which option will benefit your career the most.”

“And what do we tell the press? I’m up for reelection.”

“You tell them your son and his wife have decided to go their separate ways and you keep Maddie out of it as much as possible. She gets any backlash from your bullshit and I will make sure the whole world hears the truth and that your entire career and reputation are destroyed,” I threatened.

“Take the deal, Dad. It will be a relief not to have to walk around with that fat, ugly bitch on my arm anyway,” Edward commented casually.

In a split second I had grabbed him by the lapels of his fancy suit, swung his sorry ass up into the air and smashed him down on his back across the conference table before me. I leaned down over him, my face so close to his I could feel his breath on my face as he panted in panic.

“One more word from you about either of them and I will end you,” I threatened menacingly as I slammed him into the table again hard, before releasing him and stepping back. I knew if I didn’t I’d kill the bastard.

I smoothed my hair back and straightened my jacket as I glared at him hard. He sat up and straightened his own suit. He tried to look unperturbed as he got to his feet, but I saw the tremble in his hand as he straightened up his crooked tie.

“So Frank?” I said as I turned to him, all the while keeping my periphery on Edward. “Do we have a deal or shall I call my contact at the Tribune?”

“Fine. We have a deal. But I want Madeline kept out of the city until after I have been reelected. I can’t have the press blowing this whole situation up.”

“I don’t think you’re in any position to be making stipulations,” I tutted with a shake of my head. “But I can assure you that as long as you keep up your end of our deal, Maddie will not speak to any press who approach her.” Maddie had already told me she had no intention of ever dealing with the media again if she could help it, so I knew she would be fine with me agreeing to that.

“Very well,” Frank agreed, sending his son a warning glance to dare argue. “We will issue a statement saying they have come to a mutual agreement to separate. If the press approach Madeline she’s to say, ‘no comment’ and nothing more.”

“Agreed. Maddie’s attorney will send over the relevant documents this week to start divorce proceedings and to sign over full custody of the children.” I started gathering up the images from the table as I spoke. There was no way I was leaving them behind. In most of them Maddie was in just her underwear and I didn’t want them falling into anyone else’s hands. “I expect them to be signed and returned immediately,” I added once I had everything gathered up and back in my case.

“And I’ll expect Madeline to hold up her end of this deal,” Frank growled, clearly pissed that he had lost this fight.

“She will, as long as the two of you do. That monster comes within fifty feet of her or the kids, and our deal is off. I get even a hint he’s sniffing around and I go straight to the press and the cops,” I warned.

“Oh please. I’m not that desperate. Have her, Nico. You’ll soon see she’s not worth the fucking effort,” Edward spat. I stepped menacingly towards him, determined to keep my promise to end him, but Franks stepped in front of me and held up a hand.