“Seems to me you are doing pretty well at your job,” he said.

“I am. I love it. And I wasn’t bothered by what Jasmine said. I think that is what made me work extra hard to prove I had what it took. Not just to my bosses but also to my sisters.”

“Loving your job is half the battle in life. I love mine and spend a lot of time there.”

“Which you’re telling me ahead of time so I know. Don’t worry. As long as you don’t get bothered if I go out and do things without you.”

He was going to ask why she’d question that and then realized she had every right to say that with the way he acted last week when she was out with friends and coworkers.

“You don’t answer to me,” he said. “Eat.”

She lifted her eyebrow up at him. “No, I haven’t been answerable to a parent in a while.” She took a bite of the pasta that was covered in sauce. “Tell your mother this is great.”

He looked up at her when she said that. “Or not.”

“That’s right. You don’t want anyone to know about this.”

She put her head back down and started to eat some more. He was doing a shitty job tonight. He didn’t think he was flexible enough to keep putting his foot in his mouth, but it was happening.

“Sorry,” he said.

“It’s fine,” she said.

He reached his hand over. “I was joking. I’m not good at that either. I don’t make it a habit of telling my family my personal life.”

“What did you tell them about what happened at the bar? I’m sure they had to have asked. Or don’t they question you either?”

He sighed. This was where he had to play it right.

“I told them I knew you.”

“Okay,” she said.

“Shit,” he said. “You’re going to be so pissed if I tell you what I said.”

She looked up at him. Her big doe eyes were round and open. “You told them you slept with me, didn’t you?”

“I didn’t mean to say it,” he said.

“But you did? And now they think I’m a slut and wouldn’t want me with you anyway.”

“Fuck. See. It’s like what you said earlier. You say or do things without thinking about the effect it has on other people. I was messed up that night and I admitted it. When I went back to the table, I didn’t want to be questioned. I thought I could shock them into shutting up.”

But all it did was make Ivy look bad, which was why he struggled to reach out again.

He had to move past that and try to wipe the slate clean though or he wouldn’t be seeing her naked again.

And he wanted to.

That wasn’t all he wanted either and that might be what was scaring him the most.

“I guess we both have some growing up to do,” she said.

That was a slice that burned. “In our own way I suppose we do. The question is—are you going to give me a chance?”

“It depends,” she said.

“On what?”