“On if this is a secret or not. Whatever we have. I haven’t told my sisters. Dahlia is worried about me being at your house. The house of a man in her eyes I’ve only dated twice. I didn’t want to tell her more. I didn’t want the lecture. Plus, I had no idea what would happen after tonight.”

“I don’t care if people know,” he said.

“Don’t worry, I will make sure they know you said you aren’t promising me anything. Most will keep me in line from wanting more.”

She was smiling when she said it. She was joking.

Yet it hurt just the same and he wasn’t sure why.


Wanting More

“You did what?” Dahlia asked her the next morning.

“I went on a date with Brooks last night. The investigator—”

“I know who he is,” Dahlia said. “He’s too old for you.”

“He’s ten years older than me. What’s the big deal?”

“Last night was the second date?” Dahlia asked.

This was where things got tricky.

She meant what she said last night to Brooks. That if she told her sisters they would keep her in line from wanting more. They’d remind her that she agreed to this.

When she was lying in bed last night she realized she was going to get a lecture anyway so she might as well make sure she got one for something worthwhile.

“An actual date. Yes. Don’t get mad at me.”

“You slept with him, didn’t you?” Dahlia asked.

“I’m not a virgin. I know what I’m doing.”

“You say that now and then you’ll be hurt and Jasmine and I will be there to pick up the pieces. What was the last guy’s name? The one that you thought you were in love with and wanted to move in with him? You slept with him right away too. But then after a few months when you wanted to get serious, he said he wasn’t thinking of that with you.”

“Thanks for the reminder,” she pouted.

“I’m being realistic.”

“He said he didn’t like my job,” she said. “That he wanted someone with more ambition. I was good enough for him to have fun with but nothing more.”

She felt her eyes start to fill up. It seemed to be the story of her life.

“And what does Brooks think? Two dates and you slept with him, but you didn’t sleep with him last night, right?”

“Fine,” she said. “I slept with him on the first night.”

Ivy explained the conversation she’d had with him and what happened that night. Then the second time they were together and how he blew her off for weeks.

“And that is why you don’t put out with someone so quickly,” Dahlia said sternly.

“Let me finish,” she said. “The night of the Christmas party someone was hitting on me at the bar. He was there with his family. I had no idea.” She finished her story and how Brooks and she ended up in the hallway fighting.

“He had no right to do that to you. That is like having his cake and eating it too.”

“I’m not sure about the use of having cake if you can’t eat it, but you get my point. I told him how I felt and walked away from him. On Christmas Day he texted me ‘Merry Christmas’ and all I did was say it back. I wasn’t going to make the next step. I told him that.”