“It’s fine,” Jasmine said. “Why are you calling so late there for you?”

“Because I took a chance that you three girls would be in the building for lunch now. We’ll be going to bed right after. We talked to Mark and Chase just now and figured we’d try you all in one day.”

Which meant it would be a solid week or so before she heard from her mother again. Most of their communication was via email at this point so there was no worry about the time changes and waking people up.

“How are Mark and Chase doing?” Jasmine asked.

Ivy waved her hand. “You can ask them yourself,” she said. “How are you and Dad doing?”

“We are good,” her mother said.

“Dad,” she said. “You can’t talk to us? Maybe you aren’t there and Mom is just saying that.”

Dahlia frowned at her, but she didn’t care. Her father probably talked to his sons but didn’t much to his daughters. Or maybe he was all talked out with Chase bonding over medicine.

“I’m here,” her father said. “Don’t worry, Ivy. You never let me get away without saying something to you.”

She put a pout on her face. That gentle reprimand wasn’t lost on her.

“Ivy just misses you, Dad,” Dahlia said.

“That’s right,” she said. “I miss you guys.”

“How are the two of you getting along after the break-in? Feeling safe enough?” her father asked.

“We’re fine,” Dahlia said. “Right, Ivy?”

She was looking at her sisters as they stared at her. She knew not to answer any other way and worry her parents who were so far away. “Yes, Dad. We’re fine. It’s all good.”

“Ivy is still keeping things as clean as they were after we picked them up,” Dahlia said.

She stuck her tongue out at her sister, but her father laughed. “That’s good to know. Ivy never did enjoy her chores.”

“No one enjoys chores. That is why they are called chores,” she argued.

“Does anyone have any news before Dad gets some sleep?” her mother asked. “Jasmine, we love the pictures and email updates. Please keep them coming. Dad and I read them after dinner.”

Her shoulders dropped. “Nothing new here,” Jasmine said. “Or nothing more than I’ve already filled in. But it’s great to hear your voice.”

“The same,” her mother said. “Dahlia?”

“Just working,” Dahlia said. “And watching out for Ivy.”

“Hey, I don’t need anyone to watch out for me.”

“Sounds like nothing has changed,” her father said. “If that is the case, then I’m going to get ready for bed. Night.”

“Night, Dad,” they all said.

Her mother hung up before she could answer if there was anything new in her life. Not that she’d say she went on a date, but she’d like to at least be able to answer the question asked of everyone else.

She picked her sandwich up and started to eat again. “What’s your problem?” Dahlia asked her.

“Nothing,” she said.

“Doesn’t look it to me,” Jasmine said. “Did you want to talk longer? You should have said something.”

“Dad is tired and needs his sleep,” she said. “He isn’t interested in anything I do.”