“Positive. Jasmine will be out soon.”

“Thanks,” she said.

Ivy hated that everyone seemed to think she was still so needy, but the truth was, she didn’t like to be alone. Dahlia thrived on being alone and since they lived together she didn’t want to annoy her sister by spending their lunch hour together too.

She pulled her sandwich out of the little baggy and took a bite, then sat on one of the stools while Violet started to put her arrangements together, her gorgeous engagement ring flashing. Everyone here had an engagement ring made by Rose except for Heather. Daisy had made that one. They were all unique and stunning and she hid her jealousy as best as she could.

“I heard you had a date on Saturday,” Violet said.

She stopped chewing. “You did? Who told you?”

“Me,” Jasmine said, coming in.

“Did Dahlia tell you?”

“She did, “ Jasmine said. “I texted her on Saturday night to see what was going on. I had a cute picture of Cori I wanted to share.”

“It was a cute picture,” Ivy said. That text had come in while she was naked with Brooks. She hadn’t seen it for an hour or so later and replied then.

“Dahlia told me you were on a date,” Jasmine said. “You replied early so I assumed it wasn’t a long date.”

“No,” she said. “It wasn’t.”

“Dahlia didn’t know his name,” Jasmine said. “She worries.”

“Nothing to worry about. I don’t tell people the name of everyone I go on a date with. Did you?”

“Nope,” Jasmine said. “Not even to Violet.”

“Very true,” Violet said. “But we know I keep secrets.”

It was recently discovered Violet’s identity had been changed by her parents to keep her safe. Ivy would have never known or guessed since Violet seemed so well adjusted in life.

It appeared everyone was well adjusted but her, though she was trying.

“Not Ivy,” Jasmine said. “She’s like an open book.”

“Not always,” she said. She wouldn’t feel guilty about not saying who she was with either.

“I’m just kidding,” Jasmine said.

“Mom is on the phone,” Dahlia said, coming into the backroom.

“She is?” Ivy asked, reaching for it.

Dahlia held it back. “I’m going to put her on speakerphone. She and Dad are together.”

“I’ll go out front,” Violet said and got up to leave.

“Hi, girls,” her mother said.

“Mom, hang up and call back on the video so we can see you,” Ivy said.

“Dad is here with me and you know he hates that,” her mother said.

Her shoulders dropped. She just wanted to see her parents and they never let her. It’s not like she’d seen them in person since she moved here over a year ago. They’d been in town for Chase’s graduation and had driven a few hours to see her and Jasmine. Dahlia had flown in too.

No one ever came to see her graduation. She didn’t finish college. She still felt lousy about that, but she just didn’t want to be there.