Page 63 of The Darkness Within

He smiles softly. “Because I was thinking the same thing.”

A shiver vibrates through me, and he immediately shrugs out of his jacket and drags it over my shoulders, cocooning me in warm sunny days and salty water on the breeze. I duck my head and bury my face in the blazer as I pull it up to my face and inhale at the same time. Comfort.

“Austin, we need to bring this one back to the office.”

Austin looks back at us. He is one-hundred percent primal alpha right now. And it is a turn on in ways I didn’t think were possible. Especially after what just happened. But he saved me, and I wanted him before, so I don’t resist the feeling building inside. I won’t let Luther ruin the one bright spot in my life. The next week is going to be everything.

“Sounds like a plan.”

“Office?” I ask. I’m so confused. Why would we take him to the office?

Felix shrugs slightly. “We have an interrogation room. It has a drain.”

I absorb his words as he tucks me closer to his side. Our hips bump as we walk. The constant contact is nice, and I slip my arms around his middle. Making it almost impossible to walk. He fixes that issue by sweeping my legs up and carrying me. In one fluid motion.

A surprised squeak pops from my mouth, and he grins down at me. “I’ve got you.”

* * *

The room hasgray metal walls, a host of tools that I wasn’t sure what they did, a long exam table I am sure was for torture, and chains that hung from the ceiling in the middle of the room. And a small metal sink with a large hose hanging on the wall next to it, I would assume, is to clean up messes. Austin and Saint hung Luther from his arms, his legs limp against the smooth floor.

Saint unhooks the hose from the wall and twists the knob to turn it on, then sprays Luther relentlessly until the man wakes up. My heart is in my throat even though I know I’m not in danger with him in this position.

He sputters and flops around like a fish attempting to get out of the spray. Saint cuts it off, and the monster blinks, looking at each of the guys before his gaze settles on me. The moment I dreaded is here, but I hold the power in this room, not him. I had removed the mask and Felix’s jacket, ensuring he would know me as soon as he opens his dead brown eyes.

I hold myself still as I watch it hit him. That I am the one he just attempted to rape. He had been so close to the person they were searching for and hadn’t known it. None of them would be satisfied until they tortured information out of us that we didn’t have. Would we be living on the streets or half a world away if we knew where my father held his assets? I’m pretty sure I would have been on some beach without a care in the world if I had the money.

“You!” he growls. “You are going to pay for this, bitch.” He struggles against the chains, and they clang together musically.

I step forward, picking up a knife as I do. “I think you have that backwards.”

“Even if you kill me, they will find you. Your brother is sloppy and was spotted at a club. What will you do then?”

The spike of fear hits me in the gut.

“We will kill anyone that comes for her or her brother,” Saint says.

Austin shifts against the wall. He examines his knuckles. “We may just come for them first.”

Felix steps up behind me, giving me strength. His arms circle my waist, his fingers curling over mine that are gripping the knife. “Let’s get some names out of him. What do you say, Audrey?”

I don’t tell him I know all the names. Instead, I let him guide my hand. Red blood oozes from the thin line we cut into his skin.

He arches away from us, swinging on the chains as much as he can. Pain contorting his face. Blood thinning as it soaks into his already wet clothes.

But it isn’t enough. I want to slam the knife into him over and over again, until I know he is dead. That he will never hurt me or my brother again.

“Who is coming for Audrey and her brother?” Felix murmurs, contained fury laces each word, but I can feel it vibrating into me from his chest, the barely audible growl as it rumbles against my spine.

Luther ignores him. His eyes pin me in place. Making me relive the hopeless fear I had felt back when I was chained to the ceiling. “You crazy bitch, you are going to die a very painful death. They have big plans for you.”

“Too bad you won’t be there to see it,” I say.

I don’t need urging to cut him a second time. I slice a long line from his collarbone all the way to his belly button. His shirt falls open, and his skin parts. His gurgled cry as his insides become outside is music to my ears. Why haven’t I gone after them? It feels like taking my power back. Maybe I don’t have to run and hide. I step back into Felix’s arms as his intestines plop to the ground.

Revulsion should be what I feel, but all I feel is satisfaction that one monster from my nightmares is dead.

“We have to work on your torture techniques. There are ways to keep them alive a bit longer.” His breath fans through my hair, and I sag against him.