Page 62 of The Darkness Within

“I’ll tend you,” I inform him as I drop to my knees in front of him.

“Is this the reward I get for winning?” Saint asks.

“You could have won with less blood and bruises, but I think you like the pain in the same way my brother does.”

I hum as I brush the wash rag over his forehead and along the side of his face, taking with it sweat and blood before rinsing it in the bowl of water. Slowly, I clean his entire face, avoiding the seeping wound on his eyebrow.

“You need stitches,” I state as I sit back on my heels, clamping my teeth into my lower lip. He is still the most handsome man I’ve ever seen; only now, he looks like he’s gone through battle and came out the other side a little worse for wear. “It is probably going to scar.”

Austin calls over someone, and as I get to my feet, they take my place in front of Saint. As the needle pierces his skin, I feel woozy in a way I didn’t while cleaning up the blood. I shake my head to clear it, but it doesn’t go away. I’m going to pass out.

I mumble something about needing a bathroom and head for the backroom entrance and toward the bathrooms I saw when we arrived. The crowd is still loud and intense as I thread through it. It is one I wouldn’t go into willingly if I didn’t smell marked by a pack of alphas already.

A few stray hands brush me, and if I was really claimed by a pack, they’d lose those fingers. But I am not, so I ignore them as I reach the freedom of the bathroom. Locking myself in a stall that is surprisingly clean, I lean against the painted yellow wall. The emotions clamoring inside me for attention are demanding little devils.

Other women come and go as I hide from the men that cause these feelings. My head clears of the dizzy feeling but fills with unanswerable questions. Can I really do this? Offer myself to them and then leave? I swallow as my head drops back against the wall. The darkness inside of me wants to rise up and tear me apart, but I won’t let it. I push it away.

For one week.

I would taste the fantasy, I would live it. No one will take the memories from me after it is all said and done.



Finally,leaving the safety of the stall, I wash my hands before leaving the washroom. I’m single minded as I head back to the backroom, and excitement courses through my veins. Cutting along the back of the crowd, I don’t see him until he is on top of me.

One of the alphas of my nightmares, Luther, pins me against the wall behind the bleachers. “Oh, little thing, where are you headed so quickly?”

I freeze.

He’s stepped right out of my living nightmares and terror holds me immobile as he leans in close and sniffs. The acid and metallic scent of my fear washes over us, and I’m sure it drowns out any marking the guys had done.

His hand drops to my leg as he drags up my short dress as I try to press myself into the cool wall at my back.

Using his body to pin me in place, Luther works the button of his jeans free. There is no way he knows who I am. He wouldn’t be trying to fuck me if he did. I’d already be in some van as they ship me away to some dark and dank warehouse to torture me some more. For the sins of my father, as they often told me.

My heart slams against my ribcage as I hold back a whimper of fear. If I scream or yell for help, he will know who I am. He will recognize my voice. The choice between two horrible outcomes is not a choice at all, but at least with one of them I’m still breathing after.

Squeezing my eyes shut, I breathe in through my nose. This is better than being cut open, better than having my uterus removed, better than–

I don’t finish that thought before he is ripped off of me; the force tearing my dress that is still gripped in his fist. A dark blur is on top of him, pounding him into the ground ruthlessly. While Felix wraps me in his arms, tucking my head into his soothing ocean scent. I sob. I can’t help it, they wrack my body, and before I know it, I’m snotting all over Felix’s suit. The feeling of safety opening the floodgates.

Feathers are stuck to my cheeks as I pull away from him. The mask is lopsided, but still mostly covering my eyes. But the whole reason for the mask is to keep the man on the floor away from me, and the other men from my nightmares at bay. If Luther is here, are the others?

“I have to go,” I say. I attempt to stumble away from Felix, but his arms turn into steel bands and hold me in the circle of his heat.

“Saint is getting the car. But we need to take out the trash before we go.” Felix nods toward Austin, beating the crap out of Luther. I’m pretty sure he is out cold, but Austin doesn’t stop, and I don’t stop him. If he’s dead, it is one less monster to worry about. “Austin, I’m pretty sure he won’t be waking up anytime soon.”

“Or ever,” the deep growl rumbles from Austin as he pushes off of the monster come to life and then huals him to his feet enough to drag him to the exit.

There is a deep satisfaction at seeing my dad’s ex bodyguard being beaten so ruthlessly. Especially knowing what he put Sin and me through. Luther deserves more pain. I want him woken up and beat again. But by me.

Felix comes to a sudden stop, his eyes on me. “You really are the perfect omega for me, aren’t you?”

The admiration in his eyes throws me off before I realize I must have spoken my thoughts out loud.

“Because I’m violent?” I really want my hoodie. I need to hide.