Page 51 of The Darkness Within

“Not really a day drinker, so water is fine.”

“Austin would be disappointed.” He reappears with two bottles of water, and I head back to the couch.

He sits back down beside me, and I swear there is the clear outline of his dick running down his leg. Either that or he has a really large cucumber stuffed in his pants. I can not tug my eyes away, even asOmega in Paradiseplays on the TV.

And he doesn’t hide it. He sucks his lip ring into his mouth as he watches me watch him. The air is so thick with tension it feels like we could slice through it with a knife.

I’m not sure who moves first.

Does it matter? No.

Because the end goal is the same, his lips on mine. I whimper. Seriously fuckingwhimperas his tongue slides over my lips, asking to stroke inside. Parting my lips with a soft breath, his rumble of approval has my nipples pebbling as it vibrates through his chest to mine.

I’ve been so on edge the last few days that I dive headfirst into whatever this is. Because a beta isn’t dangerous. They can’t trap you. Not the same way an alpha can.

“You taste fucking divine, Audrey. Shit, I will never get enough,” he murmurs against my lips. “Austin is going to need to fix his fucking contract.”

Austin? What does he have to do with this? It takes a minute to sink in. His lips drag more tiny moans from me. I’d be embarrassed if I wasn’t so into it. His mouth searing my neck as he runs his tongue over my pulse point.

“Your name wasn’t in the contract,” I gasp. Was that a loophole? His teeth graze the base of my neck, and I arch into him.More of that, please.

I clench around nothing, needing to be filled up. It has been a long time. All my choice, but I was ready, and I am taking that step with Felix, the flirty, harmless beta.

My fingers work the button on his jeans as I swing my leg over him, straddling him as I free him. His length is hot against my ass, the fabric between us a thin barrier.

“I need you, Felix.” The words come out pleading as I rock against him and lower his zipper at the same time. He’s bare beneath, and the electricity of my skin against his has me breathless.

“I’m yours.” He burns a path along my neck, up to just below my earlobe. His breaths are ragged. His musk, because it is musk and not body wash, makes me feel like I’m about to have sex on a sunny beach rather than a sofa in a highrise apartment building in the middle of New York City.

My fingers wrap around him and tug him free, as his lips claim mine in a soul deep kiss. He is the perfect girth, the tips of my fingers brush as I stroke him. My thumb rubs over his slit, gathering the moisture and working it over him. Rubbing my hand all the way down his shaft, I feel it, a growing knot. The breath stutters in my chest, and he continues to kiss me as I freeze.


Not a beta.


One second, I’m kissing him, and the next, I’m scrambling across the floor like a crab on cocaine. I stare at him. At his dick, really. It is jutting straight up, ready to impale me, the knot as undeniable as the pre-cum leaking from the red, swollen head. I blink. Still, I can’t tear my eyes away.

“You're an alpha,” I say with a hard swallow. It is obvious. Why hide it? “Is it a game? Pretending to be a beta? Have you been using descenter?”

Anger burns a line straight through my haze of lust. The fire it ignites in me should scare him. But he only stares at me helplessly.



No. No. No.

I clamber to my feet, putting more distance between us.

“I didn’t know.” His voice sounds broken, but alphas, they lie to get what they want. “I think I’m a sigma.”

My heart pounds in my chest. “You didn’t know?” I laugh. Right.

“I swear, it happened today,” he says.

His mouth works around more words that don’t come out. I can’t have this conversation, especially with his dick just standing at attention like I’m going to submit any second and sink down on him, giving him a velvety hug. My traitor of a pussy pulses at the thought.