Page 52 of The Darkness Within

I snort. “What did you think this would accomplish? Bite me? Mark me, so I’m more compliant? I already said I would do the fucking job. I signed the contract. I know what is at stake. Was this all part of the ruse? Send the beta to show us the apartment, have him flirt and unarm me, make me think he’s harmless, then seduce me.”

“You kissed me,” he sputters. “And I know you did way more with Austin in his fucking boardroom. Don’t you think if that was the plan, he would have claimed you?”

He doesn’t sound angry, more confused or hurt that I would say those things. My heart gives a pathetic pang as a just as pointless whine builds in my throat. If I could tear the omega from my soul, I would. I’d rather be anything but this mindless, wanton thing.

“No, because it would make the contract void. But you…you could.” I’m backing away like he is going to pounce and hold me down to have his way with me. And the sad part is I would fight, but I’d enjoy every second. I am fucked up.

“Audrey, please, let’s talk about this.”

I shake my head. Five more steps. He shifts, watching me, finally covering his dick with a pillow. Four more steps. He inhales, probably dragging the bitter scent of my anger into his lungs. Three more steps. I see him move before he does, the tiniest way he leans forward. As he pushes to his feet, I turn and bolt into my room. Locking the door behind me and flipping on the security system he showed me.

“Audrey, open the door!” He knocks on the door, but it feels like he is pounding, as if he would break it down and claim me. “Open the door!”

Pressing my fingers to my lips, a soft whine escapes, and the pounding stops. Footsteps retreat. Muffled swearing reaches me, and then a low conversation. He is probably telling Austin and Dean that it didn’t work. I am never leaving this room again if they are here. They will have to drag me out.



The meeting lastedway too long. With a sigh of relief, I settle back into the plush leather of my BMW. The city passes by in a blur, the darkened windows barely held at bay, honking horns and random voices.

I miss the country.

Sending a quick text, I let Austin know I’m heading back to the office. Then my thoughts turn to Audrey. The omega that is quickly worming her way into our lives. Every single one of my instincts wants to make sure she is protected, and I know this plan to steal the painting back is anything but safe. It feels like angry bees are circling in my stomach, stinging me in an attempt to be released.

Austin is so set on the plan, he won’t see reason. Our pack works because I allow him to lead us. But if I start challenging him, we’d fall apart at the seams, because if I know anything about Austin, it is that he can’t handle not being in control. It is ironic that we came together with Felix in the first place because we never wanted an omega. Now here I am, unable to pull my thoughts from the one currently in my apartment.

I don’t want to go back to the office. I want to be with Audrey. Insane? Probably. I’ve never claimed not to be. On the surface, I was a saint, but in the deep darkness that lives inside, I’m anything but that.

Would the omega run from me instead of cuddling my chest if she knows what kind of man I really am? Sure, I help the homeless and omegas that are in dangerous situations. I set them up with the least I can give them. But if they squander that kindness, they will find themselves right back where they started. I don’t tolerate the ones that take advantage of what I offer.

Live rent and board free, find a job while you have a roof over your head and food coming in. Save enough money to get your own place and move out. Six months. It isn’t unreasonable. Hell, it is beyond generous. But there are those that take advantage and expect the handouts to keep coming.

Hank is one of those men. I took him in because he was living on the streets in sub-zero temperatures. He’s used the time in the tiny house to lounge around and be lazy. I should have kicked him out after the second month of no attempt at getting a job. Now I have to go through the fucking red tape of evicting him. Tying the place up for someone else that would actually do something with their lives.

Shaking myself out of the nightmare the single man is going to cause me, I stare sightlessly out at the city passing by. The need to pound my fists into someone builds inside of me.

While Austin made his money with the mafia and is attempting to make it all legal, I made mine in the fight rings. And I am itching to get into one. It is either fuck like I’m fighting, or actually fight, and since the only person I want to put my dick into is currently an omega I can’t have, the fight rings it is.

Sure, I could go home and Felix would try to take care of the need brewing inside of me, but since Audrey’s heat, it is like the alpha inside of me only wants her. It is fucked up.

Although, now that I think about it, he hasn’t come to Austin or me since she’s moved in. Maybe he feels the same. I guess that is the good thing about our pack. We love each other, and the sex is a bonus if we feel the itch, but often we each search for that outside of our pack. It is a longstanding agreement. No hurt feelings.

The wrench in the whole thing is Audrey. Because I know we all want her. The wholewant what you can’t havesyndrome, I assume.

The car pulls up in front of the office, and I climb out before Mark can come around and open the door for me. Long strides carry me into the building, past security, and into the elevators that will take me up to Austin’s office. The pleasantries go in one ear and out the other. I am not in the mood for the boot kissing that the betas and omegas in the building do every time they see me.

“What’s wrong?” Austin asks as soon as I step into his office. “You look like a storm is rolling in.”

I tug my fingers through my hair and sigh. “I need to fight.”

He gives me a sharp look. “If you want to beat someone, I have a guy I need taught a lesson.”

“No, I need tofight.”

“The last time you did, you ended up in the fucking hospital. Because you just kept going like you thought you were a force of nature, unstoppable and untamed. But just like a fucking hurricane, you lose power the longer you fight. If I knew it would be just one fight to get it out of your system, I’d say sure, but you don’t stop.”

“Austin, I don’t need your permission.” I pace the space in front of his desk. Already I can feel the tape on my knuckles, the flesh giving beneath my punches, sweat dripping down my back. I need it.