“That’s what I said!” As far as I know, D hasn’t driven a car for a long ass time. And the only reason I know why is because he got drunk one night and spilled the whole story when I asked why Lex drove everywhere. He doesn’t even have his own car.

Ghost chuckles. “That’s huge for him. Is she okay?”

I shrug. “She seems to be.”

My phone pings with a message, and I scoop it from the table, swiping open the chat screen.

Dmitri: I have the security being installed right now.

Caden: Should have fucking known lol. Is she really okay?

Dmitri: She’s fine. Eating breakfast right now.

Caden: Are you okay?

I know driving is a big deal for him and the twins are close friends of mine.

Dmitri: I’m fine. And I’m not talking about this. So, fuck off.

Caden: ‘insert middle finger emoji’ I was just checking on you, asshole.

Dmitri: ‘insert kissy face emoji’

Caden: ‘insert crying laughing emoji’

I lay my phone down with a chuckle, and Ghost is staring at me with a look I didn’t think I’d ever see from him.

Last night after Banger left, we had a long goddamn talk. Then passed the fuck out. The only difference between this time and any other time is that we were in the same bed. I woke up this morning, and Ghost was plastered to my back with his arm locked around my waist. It felt damn good to wake up like that.

Our makeout session on the couch has us both fucked up, but we need to make sure this is going to work before we take it any further. I refuse to fuck up our friendship.

Ghost gets up from the table and clears off the dishes. “We need to catch up with Les and check on Greta.” Ghost sent several of our crew to sit vigil at her house. Paul was sent home from the hospital late last night and is damn lucky that his injuries were minor.

“Do you still think this is the Hellraisers?” I ask. Some of our guys combed through that footage, and there isn’t a mention of Greta. Or Bridget. “What about Bridget’s place? If he went after her, he has to fucking die.”

“I agree.” Ghost turns and leans against the counter, crossing his arms over his chest. “But if it isn’t the Hellraisers, who the fuck is it?”

“Your dad?”

“I thought about that. Maybe the attack on Les’ Place, but Bridget? I have no connection to her that would cause him to go after her in a warning.”

“So, what do we do?”

“We find out who the guy was that broke into her place and go from there. Maybe that will lead us back to who sent him or find out it’s random. D sent the pics to Holden, and he’s going to run them as soon as they’re home.”

I nod. “D’s installing security at her townhouse. But I don’t like her staying there alone.”

Ghost shrugs. “Stay with her. Or bring her here. I don’t like it either, especially now.”

“Bridget isn’t going to leave her place,” I laugh. She would gut me for even suggesting it. I get up from the table and walk until I’m in front of Ghost. “What about you?”

“What about me?” he asks, settling his hands on my hips and pulling me closer. I put my hands on the counter beside his hips. Fuck, this feels good.

“I want to stay with you too. We could both stay at her place.”

Ghost raises a blonde brow. “Both of us? She doesn’t know me like that.”

“She could. Come on, it would be fun. It’s a fucking blast.”