“This house is gorgeous,” she comments before popping her door open, making me grind my teeth.

“You should never open your own door,Boginya.”

She rolls her eyes and steps out of the car, shutting it harder than necessary behind her. I push my own open and meet her at the hood of the car. She’s eyeing the house with awe. I wish I still saw what she did, but all this house does is remind me of every bad thing that ever happened in my life while Viktor was alive.

I place my hand on the small of her back and lead her up the steps. When we get to the front door, it bursts open before I can touch the handle.

“What the fuck, D?” Nikolay growls, and then his eyes light on Bridget. “Oh. Hello.”

“Hi,” Bridget says with a little wave.

“Bridget, this is Nik. Our cousin,” I introduce. Not that you could miss the resemblance. He has the same dark hair, but his eyes are an odd shade of green. He’s also a year older than Lex and me.

“Nice to meet you,” Nik says politely. “A word, D?”

I knew this was coming. I turn to Bridget. “Down the hall, second door on your right. I’ll be there in a minute,” I say, pointing to the left side of the spiral staircase toward the kitchen. She takes off that way, and I wait until she’s out of earshot before I turn to Nik. “Your car is fine. It’s at Bridget’s.” He was asleep when I snagged the keys to his Benz.

He grabs my arm and pulls me toward the other side of the staircase. “I don’t give a fuck about the car, D. You should have woken me up. I would have driven you.”

“I know that,” I argue. “But I didn’t think about that at the time.” Truth was, I didn’t even hesitate to jump behind the wheel. It didn’t hit me until I was already at Bridget’s. “I’m fine, Nik. Are we done?”

He raises a brow. “For now. Is that her?”

“That’s her,” I reply. “And if you don’t keep your fucking eyes off her, I’ll pluck them out.” I saw the way his eyes subtly trailed over her. I didn’t like it. At all.

“Oh, shit,” Nik laughs. “It’s that serious?”

“Yes. Now fuck off.” I leave him standing there, laughing. Asshole.

I find Bridget in the kitchen, sitting at the kitchen island. She looks up when she hears me walk in and gives me a small smile. “Is everything okay?”

“It is,Boginya. What would you like for breakfast?”

“Anything is fine. I’m not picky,” she answers. I walk to the refrigerator, and I can feel her eyes on me. I pull out the ingredients for a loaded omelet and lay a pan on the stove to heat up. I lay everything else on the island so I can see her.

Just like I’ve done a million times, I start cutting the vegetables, the motion calming my mind.

“Oh, so you can cook, cook?” Bridget laughs. Goddamn, I love that sound.

I look up from my task, and her eyes are focused on my hands. “I can.” She starts chewing on the corner of her thumbnail, and I know something is on her mind. “Ask your question,Boginya. I can see it all over your face.”

“What did you do with that guy?”

“Disposed of him like the trash he was. We’ll find out who he was.” I don’t know if this is related to this bullshit with the Hellraisers or something else. According to Ghost, he doesn’t even think the attack on Les’ Place was the Hellraisers. They found nothing on the cameras about them talking about an attack, and Bridget was never mentioned. It’s entirely possible it was random, but either way, the guy died for his troubles. He went after the wrong girl.

I crack the eggs into a bowl, whisk them, and then turn to the stove to pour them into the hot skillet before carefully placing the vegetables and cheese on top. Waiting for the perfect time, I flip the edge, let it finish cooking, and slide it onto a plate before placing it in front of her.

“This looks so damn good.” She inhales and makes a noise in the back of her throat that has my cock paying attention. I’ve heard that noise before. “It smells even better.”

Grabbing my own food and orange juice for both of us, I slide onto the stool beside her, and we eat in silence. The whole time I can feel her glancing at the side of my face. Bridget isn’t entirely immune to either one of us.

She’s running from something, and it’s now my mission to prove that she doesn’t need to.

Chapter 10


“Ddrovethere?”Ghostasks from his spot at the kitchen table.