“Whatever,” I huff, pushing my hair out of my face. “Why are you still here?”

“Would you like me to leave?”

God, Bridget, bitchy much. “That’s not what I meant. I figured you would have something better to do.”

“I need a ride,” he answers, but he looks away when he says it.

“How did you get here?” I ask. He got here in minutes. He sure as fuck didn’t run.

“I drove.”

“Okay. I’m confused. If you drove, why do you need a ride?”

He stands from the chair. “I’ll call Ghost to come and get me.” He takes off from my bedroom, leaving me to chase after him.

“Wait a damn minute. Why can’t you drive back, Dmitri? I don’t mind taking you, but it doesn’t make sense.”

“Can we drop this, please?” He turns to face me, begging me with his eyes.

I throw my hands up. “Fine. Let me get ready, and I’ll take you. But I need coffee first.”

I spin on my heel and march back to my room, snatching clothes from my dresser. I throw my hair into a bun, quickly shower, and brush my teeth. When I walk back into the kitchen, there’s a cup of coffee waiting for me. Why does he have to be so sweet? And why the hell did I call them last night instead of the cops?

“Thanks,” I say, sliding onto the chair at my little kitchen table. He sits in front of me, watching me put the sugar and cream in. “Where am I taking you?”

“To the estate.”

“If Alexey isn’t home, why are you still here?”

He raises a brow. “We aren’t attached. We do things separately. As you know.”

I choke on my fucking coffee at his hidden meaning. “Thanks for the reminder,” I splutter.


I sip my coffee and watch him scroll through his phone. Would it be so bad to give them a chance? They’ve more than shown their interest. I’ve blown them off since that night, and Alexey still took the time to keep me calm on the phone, and Dmitri killed a man for me. Holy shit, he killed a man.

“How can you be so damn calm?” He looks up, confused. “You killed someone last night. And now you’re sitting here scrolling through your phone like it’s nothing.” I don’t know why this didn’t even occur to me last night. Someone died at his hands.

“It’s the life. It’s something I’ve done before and will have to do many times again. But they were after you,Boginya. They invaded your space and targeted you. I couldn’t let that stand.”

“Why was there no blood?”

He sighs. “I broke his neck.”

I sit my coffee mug down with a thump. “With your bare hands?” I squeak. Those same hands that had brought me pleasure over and over.

“Yes. You know who my father was.” He stands. “Do you mind if we leave?” I wrinkle my nose in annoyance but get up anyway. I brush past him, and he grabs my arm and pulls me into his chest. “I would do anything to protect you. We both would. Why can’t you see that?”

I suck in a sharp breath at the look in his eyes. “Because I can’t give you what you want.”

“You haven’t even given us a chance. How do you know?” His hands drop to my hips to pull me closer. “Your body wants it. Why doesn’t your mind?”

No way in fuck am I having this conversation with him right now. “It’s not that simple.”

“Ah, but it is.” He leans forward like he’s going to kiss me, and I brace myself. But his lips skim mine and brush my cheek until he’s at my ear. “Let us show you the world,Boginya.”

Well, fuck.