Chapter 9


IlookoveratBridget in the driver’s seat of her little car. I want to reach over and grab her hand, touch her thigh, anything to have my hands on her, but I’m respecting her boundaries. For now.

When Lex messaged me last night and said to get to Bridget’s, I’d never felt such fear. The panic of trying to get to her almost drove me over the edge. The intruder was right at the bathroom door when I picked the lock to get into her place. I wanted to kick the motherfucker down, but I didn’t want to mess up her door.

Seeing her huddled in the corner of her bathtub with her phone clutched to her ear ramped up my desire to be with her even more. Even though it’s already at obsessive levels as it is. One night with the gorgeous redhead, and my heart already belongs to her.

“How are you going to get your car home?” Bridget asks, glancing at me and then back to the road.

I clench my hands into fists, so she doesn’t notice them shaking again just at the mention of that. “I’ll send someone for it.” It isn’t even my car. It’s Nikolay’s. I haven’t been behind the wheel of a car for nine years, since I was seventeen. Until last night.

“You aren’t going to explain any of this, are you?”

I sigh and sit back in the seat. '“Not right now,Boginya.” It isn’t something I ever like talking about, and if our relationship was different, I would consider it. But I can still feel the steel fucking wall she has up between us. I’ve never met such a hard-headed, gorgeous woman in my life.

Bridget’s phone rings through the car’s speakers, and she stabs the button to answer it.


“Firefly!” Caden’s voice filters through. “What the fuck happened last night? I’m so fucking sorry. My phone was off. Are you okay?”

“I’m fine, Caden. I called Alexey, and he sent Dmitri. All good.”

“Dmitri? I have so many questions now. But I’ll hold them in. Are you sure you’re okay?”

“I promise I’m fine,” she sighs. “It was scary as hell, but Dmitri stopped them before they could get to me.”

“So, your knight in shining armor is D?” Caden chuckles. “Did you suck his dick as a thank you?”

“Caden! No. Shut up,” she groans. I turn in the seat to see her and watch that beautiful blush creep into her freckled cheeks. I know she’s covered in those freckles. I traced them with my fingers, lips, and tongue during the amazing night we all had together. Then she was gone the next morning without a word.

“I’m kidding. Sort of. Tell me what happened.” She explains from the moment the noises woke her up until I busted in the bathroom. “Wait. D drove there?” If this little asshole says a fucking word, I’ll slit his throat. “Huh. That’s interesting.”

“How is that interesting?” Bridget says, flicking a glance at me. “Never mind. I’ll call you later.”

“I’ll be over later to install a security alarm. K, bye!” Caden disconnects the call, and Bridget mutters under her breath something I can’t hear. I need to let Caden know I already took care of her security system. I have people on their way right now to install the best of the best. I just need to keep her distracted long enough for them to do it.

“Would you like to get breakfast with me?” I ask and hope she doesn’t say no. I’m not ready to leave her yet, and it’s hard to tell how long it’ll be before I see her again. “Or come to the house, and I’ll cook for you.”

I watch that little crinkle over her brow appear. “You can cook?”

“Yes,Boginya,” I chuckle. “Lex and I both can.” Something my father hated. He thought it was beneath someone of our power to cook for ourselves, but Lex and I both learned that we enjoyed it. One of our house staff taught us behind my father’s back, and I’ll be forever grateful for her. Too bad Viktor found out and killed her for her troubles.

“Huh. That’s surprising.”

“That’s not an answer,” I remind her.

She sighs. “Just breakfast?”

“Just breakfast,” I promise.

“Okay,” she agrees and continues driving toward the house. I can’t help watching her. She has one arm propped up on the window frame with her head resting on it, one hand planted firmly on the wheel, and she looks lost in thought. Her brow is crinkled, and she’s chewing on that pouty bottom lip.

I’d love to know what has her so deadset against trying with us. Everything about it screams a shitty ex, and when I find out who it is, I will track him down and beat the fuck out of him for hurting her.

She finally takes the last turn to take us up the winding driveway to the estate. When she pulls to the gate, she rolls down the window, and when the guard sees me, he automatically opens it. “Drive to the top of the driveway,” I instruct. She does and throws the car into park at the top of the circle driveway.