“I won’t move from this position until then.” He smirked, his fingers skimming down her back to her hips.

Eirah was tempted to stay, tempted to let his length fill her completely, to ride him again. But somehow, she tamped down her lust and slipped off of him to put on her silky robe. She glanced at him over her shoulder once more, as if she was going on a far journey and would never see him again. Would it always be this way? Filled with so many beautiful and fragile emotions? She hoped it would last for eternity. “See you soon,Morozko.”

He grinned wickedly, daring her to come back in bed with him, but she hurried out the door before she spent the remainder of the day bare with him.

With a light laugh, Eirah padded down the hallway and almost bumped into Ulva as she slipped from a room. The servant gave her a radiant smile, her immortal skin practically glowing beneath the candlelight.

“Good luck tonight,” Ulva said, pulling a piece of fruit from her wicker basket and tossing it to her.

Eirah caught the peach as she said, “Continue your prayers.” She would need all she could that night. Morozko was given a recent vision that not only would their world be affected by the changelings, but another realm filled with mortals would be as well. It made the situation more dire than ever since the lesser demons could take over those humans’ bodies.

“All of us will be.”

Eirah bid her goodbye and opened the door to her room. Morozko had told her she could move her workstation to anywhere in the palace she wished, but Eirah was quite fond of this room now. And she also enjoyed the balcony view, where she could easily venture out to speak to Adair if he chose to visit.

From her desk, Eirah lifted the music box she’d been working on, not realizing it had been meant for Morozko all this time. She took a seat and brought her tools closer to finish carving and painting.

Once the paint was dry, she pressed the pieces inside and adjusted the gears. It took longer than she’d expected, but it needed to be as close to perfect as she could make it. She then tucked the box into her robe pocket and went back to Morozko’s bedroom.

Eirah didn’t truly think the king would still be lingering there. But he was, and her heart caught at the sight of him. Morozko sat against the headboard, a lock of hair hanging across his face that she wanted to tuck behind his pointed ear. His gaze was focused on the pages of a book as he took a bite from a plum.

“You waited.” She grinned, shutting the door behind her.

“I told you I wouldn’t leave the bed until you returned, little bird.” Morozko snapped the book shut and watched her with a predator’s heated gaze.

“Oh yes, a king who can get servants to bring him anything he wishes. I forgot,” she teased.

“I didn’t bother to get dressed, either.” He leaned forward, the fur blankets dropping even lower.

Eirah’s cheeks warmed as her eyes wandered to the outline of his length beneath the blankets, knowing he was ready to take her again.

“I wanted to give you something.” Biting her lip, she fished out the small music box and hid it behind her back.

“Oh?” His brow furrowed in confusion, and he tilted his head to the side, trying to take a peek. “Is it something you made?”

“It is.” She smiled and relaxed on the bed, placing the music box in his hand. “I know you might think of it as a silly thing, but I hope you like it anyway. If not, you can always give it back to me. I don’t mind.”

Morozko didn’t say a word as he drew the box closer and lifted the lid. He wound the silver key at the back all the way around, then he watched the figure of him, holding her in owl form, spin to a slow and wistful song. His throat bobbed while continuing to study it, his eyes never leaving the figures.

“Perhaps I can carve something different to place inside or choose another song to use,” she whispered when he remained quiet. “I’m sure you’ve been given grander gifts throughout the centuries.”

“You will do no such thing,” Morozko murmured, resting it on his night table, his gaze pinned to hers. “I have never received such a perfect gift.” The king’s lips curled up at the edges, and he drew her to him, bringing her into his lap, her legs cradling his strong thighs. “Now it’s my turn to give you something. This is part one of your gift.” He slowly drew open her robe and peeled it from her skin, sending a delicious shiver through her. Morozko flicked his tongue across her nipple as he pushed down the blankets from his hips. His fingers dug into her waist, her softness pressed against his hardness. “I’ll start by tasting you here, then I’ll savor every inch of you.” He brought her nipple in between his lips, eliciting a moan from her.

As Eirah released more pleasurable sounds, she knew this was an exquisite gift that the Frost King would continue to give.

* * *

“It’s time,”Morozko said when night started to fall.

As Eirah slipped on the clothing Ulva had made for her, she smiled. Tight white trousers, a dark corset to go over an ivory tunic with alabaster feathers on the shoulders. It was impeccable. Morozko tied the laces of the corset for her in the back, and a nervous feeling soared through her. She supposed that half the weight of this action tonight depended on her. At least she wasn’t alone in this, but what if her blood didn’t truly help the king as was foretold it would? It had failed when they’d tried before, but the moon hadn’t been full yet.

Together, side by side, they headed out of the palace into the night. The wind blew harshly, and the full moon shone high in the sky, the moon they’d been waiting for. Morozko lifted his hand and light blue orbs danced along his fingertips, then lifted, hovering above them and lighting the area. Adair flew across the velveteen sky, his wings beating against the wind as Nuka stepped out from between two trees. Everything was in the proper place.

“Where would you like me to draw your blood?” Morozko’s finger drifted down the valley of her breasts. “You should’ve worn the robe out here.” He leaned forward, whispering in her ear as his digits drifted between her legs to a tender spot on her inner thigh. “I could’ve done it right here.”

Heat coursed through her and she laughed softly. “Do you have to make everything intimate?”

“With you, yes.” Morozko lifted her hand, and he kissed the tip of her finger as the snow rose to form a dagger in his other palm. With the ice blade, he pressed it to her flesh, and she pulled in a sharp breath at the light sting. A bright pearl of crimson beaded to the surface, and he slowly licked his tongue across the blood as his hooded eyes held hers.