“You are delicious.” Morozko grinned wolfishly at her. “Now, where do you want to taste me, little bird?”

“I don’t think you want to know the answer to that question at the moment, Your Majesty.” Eirah smiled, trailing her fingers across his. “I suppose this one will do for now, though.”

“Don’t tempt me,” he groaned. “We have a task to complete, but I’m not above pleasuring you right here.”

“Perhaps I’ll let you after.” Eirah arched a brow, taking the blade from him. She thought about the romance tales she’d kept beneath her bed in Vinti. Those males had worshiped their lovers in many places, many ways, and she wanted to become bold enough to eventually try them all with Morozko. She focused, piercing his finger and bringing it into her mouth, tongue swirling along his digit, lapping up the blood.

Morozko licked his lower lip as he watched her. He spun her around so her backside was flush with his chest. “Now, prick me again,” he purred in her ear. “Let’s create magic together.”

They chanted the foreign words while blue, purple, and green rippled around them. This was it. This was the chance to see if their power could help save Frosteria. One of Morozko’s arms encircled her waist, and she held up the other, then pierced his finger with the blade. A drop blossomed to the surface, and she turned over his hand, squeezing it so the blood fell to the snow.

Silence enveloped them as the crimson struck the ivory, but she swore it was the loudest thing she’d ever heard.

The red bled into the white, but just when she believed they’d failed once again, ruby spread across the snow, webbing throughout the area. Below their feet, the ground trembled, her teeth clacking together. Morozko drew them both backward, holding her close as though protecting her from the unknown.

Above them, high in the sky, the full moon’s dark gray color changed to cobalt as a minty scent filled the air. Blood, snow, and ice rose from the ground, weaving and swirling together while a light blue glittering magic merged them all. A naked form of ice with red veins stood before them, layers of flesh crawling up from the toes to the skull to cover the new creation. Dark hair cascaded to his waist, and Eirah’s gaze dipped down to his endowed length for a moment before flicking back up.

A male.

He was tall, muscular, built to destroy, to aid in the effort to put an end to the changelings. This immortal looked human, except curving obsidian horns protruded from his head, reaching toward the starlit sky.

And then he knelt before Morozko and Eirah, placing a fist to his chest. Adair flew down, landing on Eirah’s shoulder as Nuka stood beside Morozko, watching as more demons rose. A female, her eyes a deep brown, another male with bright blue irises mirroring Morozko’s, then more and more lifted and shaped from the snow, all beautifully sculpted, toned, and strong.

Once the magic was complete, a crowd of one hundred warriors knelt. Morozko placed his hand on the first male’s shoulder. “Your name is Enox.” He then touched the shoulders of the blue-eyed male and the brown-eyed female. “And you are Korreth and Orna.”

One by one, he gifted names to the remainder of the new warriors before taking a step back. A group of frost demons came out from around the castle to prepare. The world was quiet, waiting for Morozko to speak.

“My faithful krampi, my sons and daughters, we have much to discuss as you prepare for your tasks. For now, the frost demons will get you dressed and fed, then lead you to your new villages. I will meet with you all tomorrow.”

The krampi rose from their knelt positions—the blue-eyed male, Korreth, pressed his fist to his chest at Morozko and Eirah with honor—as the frost demons led them around the palace.

Eirah still couldn’t believe she was to stay in Morozko’s home, become a queen, help with the fight against the changelings. She’d been a toymaker before, something she would always be and would continue doing.

She whispered to Morozko, breathing out a sigh of relief. “You did it.”

“It couldn’t have been done without you, my queen. And I do think I owe you my second gift.” He moistened his lower lip and arched a brow. “Now, we follow Adair.”

“You plotted a secret with my familiar?” Eirah drawled, brushing her fingers across Adair’s soft wing.

“I did.” Morozko smirked as Nuka shook out his fur before lowering for the king to mount. He climbed atop the wolf, then held out his hand to her. With a swift tug, he lifted her behind him and she wrapped her arms around his waist.

“Can you give me a hint?”

“No, but with your arms holding me like that, you will receive a third gift once we arrive.”

They’d done it. Together, she and her frost king, the male she’d once wished were dead. But now, he was more than she could put into words, and they would peel back more of their layers until the end of time.


* * *

Read on for a preview ofSlayingtheNagaKingby Jessica M Butler—the next book inMortalEnemiestoMonsterLovers!

Slaying the NagaKing