Page 64 of Mafia Angel

“I’ll speak to Mr. Scotto about that. Perhaps I could sit second chair to someone else… All right… I will… Thanks, Marta.”

She hangs up and looks at me.

“Gabe, I will not risk this influencing anyone on the jury. Whether or not the newspaper prints a full apology and admits to gross negligence and a violation of journalistic ethics, this article could sway people. You know how jury selection goes. Even if we specifically ask if they would be prejudicial to you based on the claims, we can’t be sure someone isn’t lying. I won’t risk your life for this.”

“We’re still a long way from jury selection. We’ll cross that bridge when we come to it. Until then, please don’t resign. I trust you, Sinead. I don’t say that to many people outside my family. Not even everyone in our branch has my trust. But I won’t risk your career for this.”

We stare at each other caught at an impasse. We nod at the same time, and we put the subject to rest for now. We still have other things to discuss.

“Where do you want to go after they discharge you? Your place?”

“Fuck no. I want to break my lease and never go back.”

“Do you want to go to a hotel?”

“I thought that wasn’t the safest choice.”

“I don’t want to take you somewhere that will re-traumatize you.”

“Do you mean Paola’s? I felt safe there. What happened wasn’t because of where I was.”

“If that’s where you want to go, then I’ll take you there.”

“Would she let me come back? I caused a huge disturbance for her.”

“Piccolina, I know Auntie Paola as well as I know my own mom. She’ll feel better knowing you’re with her. She’ll worry otherwise. She’s a kind woman, and the worst thing that’ll happen to you there is you’ll eat more in one day than you have in your entire life.”

“Thank you. I know you’re busy and lost a day’s work yesterday— guarding me. I’ll be fine there since I’ll probably sleep most of the day.”

“I’m glad you didn’t say babysitting.”

“I already have one spanking waiting for me. Maybe I shouldn’t add a second one. Yet.”

She grins at me with the last word, and I could maul her and fuck her into next week. My palm itches to land across her ass. I want to see it ripple and jiggle as I do it right before I spread her ass cheeks and thrust my dick in her pussy.



“What’re you thinking about?”

How do I answer that when she’s lying in a hospital bed after I put her here because I caused her massive panic attack?



Is Gabriele blushing? I think he is. Holy shit. Is he thinking about sex? I grin even wider and shoot him a knowing look. Now he’s definitely blushing.

“Gabe, are you picturing spanking me?”

“Among other things,piccolina. Many other things.”

“You know, if I withdraw from representing you, then there wouldn’t be a conflict of interest.”

“Sinead, you know I want to agree to that. But I also want to stay out of prison. Carmine told me your track record for wins and acquittals. You held your own against me without batting an eyelash. I told you. I trust you. I need your legal mind more than my body needs to sleep with you. Not by much, but I do.”

He sighs, and it’s the most beleaguered sound I’ve ever heard. It matches his expression. I know he’s right. Even if I wasn’t representing him, we should slow down. We’ve gone from zero to two hundred miles an hour way too fast. But even if we don’t have sex again for a long time—which might be what truly pushes me around the bend— I don’t want to give up the way it feels when he holds me.